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***Official Video Games Thread***



  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,715 spicy boy
    edited November 2016
    Some characters are so universally important, its rare to see matches without them. like Reinhardt. I wish people didnt love Junkrat so much though. He's useless unless you really understand how he works. 95% of my matches have a Junkrat 
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    Yeah i only play Junkrat on King Of The Hill maps. He's SO good at area denial. 

    Lucio is another essential character. I dont think i've ever played a match without a Lucio
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,715 spicy boy
    Lucio is give or take. If you have a good Mercy, Zenyatta is a better pick because he can also play DPS.
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    Ehh I'd take a mediocre Lucio over a good Mercy. Simply because of his AOE heal. Lucio + Ana or Lucio + Zenyatta have been killing it with the group i play with. 
    Mercy's revive can be clutch though.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,604 spicy boy
    Yeah for sure. Quick Play seems to mostly be just chaos at the moment lol. I'm having way more fun than I ever thought I would with a game like this and it's mostly been without a team to roll with. I'm excited to find some regular peeps to play with. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,715 spicy boy
    Lucio has the aoe, but its a slow heal. concentrated healing is better and faster long run imo. i outheal Lucio with Mercy on the reg
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    I'll concede that Mercy is a better healer, but she's really dependant on a cohesive team that sticks together. Lucio can at least do some damage and get those sweet environmental kills. There have been matches where i've had silver elims as Lucio or gold objective kills.
    Yeah for sure. Quick Play seems to mostly be just chaos at the moment lol. I'm having way more fun than I ever thought I would with a game like this and it's mostly been without a team to roll with. I'm excited to find some regular peeps to play with. 
    Wait until you get into competitive. Shit gets real
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,604 spicy boy
    Yeah I'm hype 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,604 spicy boy
    Yeah I like the black dude a lot 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,715 spicy boy
    NEWGOD said:
    Ayo @MetalCrusades so i plug in the new nes thing and start fucking around. My girlfriend isnt a gamer at all so shes sitting on the couch playing on her phone not interested in the thing.

    I get to fucking Megaman 2 and i get stuck on Bubble Man's level and my girlfriend does a double take at the tv, grabs the controller out of my hand, and finished the fucking level =))) apparently that was one of like 4 games she played as a kid
    Wife her
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  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,604 spicy boy
    Was using Lucio, reaper and McGee last night. I'm still better with gengi over Mccee but Mccee seems easier to use so I'm gonna get used to him. Been trying to get this wall run down with Lucio. Very unsuccessful so far lol. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,604 spicy boy
    Sombra is fun too. The biggest thing I figured out was to not be afraid to fall back. Better to not die and regroup than die and regroup. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,604 spicy boy
    Need 2 git gud
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,604 spicy boy
    Wish i had this on Ps4 or PC so i could play with you guys. 

    Not sure why im even so hype over it. Iv gotten hooked on single player games recently but those always have an ending and i tend to lose interest after 50+ hours of the same game. I don't think iv had this addiction feeling of playing a game since Black ops 2. I would go to work for 8 hours and come straight home to play that game until i couldn't stay up lmao. Finna to do the same thing this week with Overmott.

    Plus i have the next 5 days off \m/
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,604 spicy boy
    I have a buddy who was a close friend for years all the way from 8th grade that has a very negative attitude. Always saying stuff/ people are gay. Well anyways to combat this in NHL 17 we made our EASHL club team name the HIV Aids. Its a requirement that each person name there player someone who has hiv/aids. 

    Left wing = freddie mercury
    Center (me) = charlie sheen
    Right wing = Magic Johnson 


    Anyways lately our buddy has gotten so bad. He lives with his mom and complains about her drinking all the time. And then is always talking about cracking a beer :|He cries so bad about games when he dies. Like hes the perfect gamer and nothing can go wrong. its always the games fault when someone gets the puck from him or he misses the net on a shot. Or dies in Battlemott. 

    Its gotten so annoying that me and the other two guys we game with literally started our own Facebook chat without him and were gaming with our gamer tag offline every night =))

    Well were back to listing ourselves as online because of overwatch lmao. He played it with us over the weekend and just non stop called it gay. It was so annoying lmao. Like i was trying to tell him that it was a really balanced game and he just needed to give it a chance. He was all " this game isn't balanced at all its total trash, gay, gay gay ect. 

    I finally told him to stfu and just because he doesn't know how to play it doesn't mean its gay and muted him. My buddies said he got super irate. 

    Its been like 4 days and none of us have even talked to him. Its a shame because he was a really good friend. Just goes to show you that over the years of knowing people you really find out who they are and how you initially perceive them usually changes. We all have slowly stoped involving ourselves with him over negativity but would still game with him because hes pretty good. We all decided to not game with him much any more. 

    I still will but he gets muted the second he cries. I can not stand people who just cry 24/7 into the mic. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,604 spicy boy
    Damn it. Season 2 ends tomorrow. I was hoping to mash out my last 9 levels or so and mash competitive through the weekend :(
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