do you know why its even called e-sports? Because 10-15 years ago when this gay fad started they called it competitive gaming and it didnt take off like they thought it would. Its a marketing ploy. Thats it.
Oh yea golf is puttin that body on the line. Bowling is so intensive.
Yeah, and those two are barely considered sports as it is. So why should gaming, which takes 99% less physical output than bowling or golf, be considered a sport?
went to wal mart and showed some worker the page. She said ok and started to ring me up but then said she doesnt actually know how to do a price match. Calls over this dude like my age and he says we have to google it and double check.
It didnt come up on kmarts website and he just looked at me like "bruh"
fucking ky video games are not a sport
And and that's not even a game that counts.
They left the web page up for the $200 PS4s but dont actually sell them. If i can find a lazy worker who doesnt double check the page it'll work.
went to wal mart and showed some worker the page. She said ok and started to ring me up but then said she doesnt actually know how to do a price match. Calls over this dude like my age and he says we have to google it and double check.
It didnt come up on kmarts website and he just looked at me like "bruh"