No people interact with friends while watching real sports. Not some dweeb staring at his computer in his basement with the only light coming from his computer.
No people interact with friends while watching real sports. Not some dweeb staring at his computer in his basement with the only light coming from his computer.
People interact with eachother watching game tournaments too. Ive gone to parties for Smash tournys. Dota 2 was broadcasted in movie theaters across the U.S. yesterday. Hell Ive even been a part of Dota 2 Fantasy Leagues.
Its just as social as "real" sports. Its the same thing. People have favorite teams, favorite players, etc.
Thats not a massive fan base?
people who play actuall sports don't have to pay to enter competitions. They get paid to show up.
Its just as social as "real" sports. Its the same thing. People have favorite teams, favorite players, etc.
In China, women have mentioned they like their men to be Dota players in dating shows and surveys.
Look up Barcraft.
video games are only considered sports by nerds and dweebs like yourself. Being a sport requires athletic physical skill period.