I've watched quite a few LoL matches on twitch and through the tournament. Not to mention watching friends play. It's better than watching golf, and that's a sport too
I've watched quite a few LoL matches on twitch and through the tournament. Not to mention watching friends play. It's better than watching golf, and that's a sport too
To me it's not a sport since the only thing physical you have to do is move your fingers. There's obviously strategy involved and everyone has to play their part well to win/advance. Not all competitions are sports. I hardly consider nascar as a sport and there is a physical aspect to that
>intense training/practice >sponsored teams >very competitive >team focused >athlete focused >huge prize pools >massive fan base/crowd following >need fast reflexes >need fast thinking
>not a sport?
And none of these things have anything to do with the definition of sports. Except your retarded athlete comment. Sports are a game which requires intense physical activity. Playing video games doesnt require physical activity.
Esports is the future of sports.
>that doesnt count
So be better than me. Watch the documentary.
And even in a match, you dont watch the players. You dont watch them click. You watch the game through a commentators vision.
Yes, there are broadcast commentators for pro matches.
Real sport
real athletes
You're ignint
if there was a poll id say about 85-90 % of first world countries wouldn't consider it a sport.