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***Official*** 2024 College Football Thread



  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,722 mod
    In other Big Ten I had been waiting for:

    The NCAA has notified Ohio State that it will face a "failure to monitor" charge in addition to more allegations of rules violations by its troubled football program.

    Ohio State will strip itself of five total football scholarships over the next three years in response to the further alleged violations, the school announced Thursday.

    The Buckeyes, who were awaiting a ruling after appearing before the NCAA committee on infractions Aug. 12 for the tattoo-for-memorabilia scandal, received another notice of allegations from the NCAA on Nov. 3. Those allegations revolved around a Cleveland-area booster who provided extra benefits to players.

    "Failure to monitor" is among the most serious allegations the NCAA can bring against a member school.

    School officials are scheduled to appear before the NCAA infractions committee again on Dec. 10 to answer to these latest charges. However, Ohio State has asked to have the charges reviewed during a conference call the week of Nov. 28 -- the final week of the football regular season.

    The NCAA alleged that former booster Robert DiGeronimo provided a total of $2,405 in extra benefits to nine football players. That included payments of $200 each to four players who attended a charity event in February, and five players who were overpaid a total of $1,605 for work they did not perform in summer jobs at DiGeronimo's excavation company.

    DiGeronimo has admitted giving $200 to running back Jordan Hall, cornerback Travis Howard, defensive back Corey Brown and former Buckeyes quarterback Terrelle Pryor at the charity event.

    Hall, Howard and Brown were each suspended earlier this season. Running back Dan Herron, receiver DeVier Posey and offensive lineman Marcus Hall were suspended for their role in the summer job case. Herron and Posey had their five-game suspensions stemming from the tattoo scandal lengthened.

    DiGeronimo and Posey have disputed the allegations of overpayment for jobs.

    Ohio State disassociated itself with DiGeronimo on Sept. 20 and announced it was taking measures to enhance its education and compliance monitoring.

    But the NCAA said the school "failed to take appropriate actions to determine if DiGeronimo continued to employ student-athletes or host them at the charity event despite concerns about his interaction with the football program."

    In addition, the NCAA said Ohio State "failed to educate football student-athletes about DiGeronimo, encourage them to cease interaction with him or inquire about their potential employment with DiGeronimo and attendance at the charity event."

    DiGeronimo's charity, called Cornerstone of Hope, was involved with a secondary violation involving a lack of paperwork in 2006. In its response, Ohio State said it told DiGeronimo to stop interacting with coaches, visiting athletic facilities and being around the program.

    However, the school still allowed athletes to work at DiGeronimo's company and attend his charity events -- though it said players were strongly encouraged to fill out the necessary paperwork to do so.

    Ohio State athletic director Gene Smith said in a statement that the school accepts "that we should have done more to oversee Mr. DiGeronimo's activities."

    "On a personal note, I deeply regret that I did not ensure the degree of monitoring our institution deserves and demands," Smith added.

    Ohio State has already vacated its 2010 season, imposed a two-year probation period, forfeited its 2011 Sugar Bowl payment and fired former football coach Jim Tressel as part of its response to NCAA allegations earlier this year.
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  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    either your trolling...or just another stupid Texan

    Either you're trolling, or just another wonderfully educated citizen of the Detroit metro area.
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    this story is getting under my skin like no other in recent memory.

    fuck you arlo. f'real. if you don't see the problem here and why joepa is getting what he deserved, you're clearly a lesser person imo. everyone is entitled to their opinion, i guess. but there's still right and wrong. and you're completely in the wrong on this. bottom line. fuck you. if you ever have kids, you better watch them closely. karma is a bitch.
    Hahahaha damn people be getting riled up!!

    And karma is a fairy tale. :bz Seriously though, calm down Erik Sr. lol
    fuck you
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    are people this naive????

    now this read just makes me *facepalm* hard <_>......

    Sports Media Asks Molestation Victims What This Means For Joe Paterno's Legacy

    STATE COLLEGE, PA—After former Penn State defensive coach Jerry Sandusky was charged Saturday with multiple counts of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, corruption of minors, indecent assault, and unlawful contact with minors, the national sports media sought out his victims this week to ask if they were worried about Joe Paterno's legacy and how their molestations might affect the recently fired head coach's place in the history books.

    Describing the downfall of Paterno as "clearly the most devastating thing to come out of the sex scandal," outlets from ESPN to USA Today asked Sandusky's victims if, while being forced to engage in oral and anal sex with a man 40 to 50 years their senior, their primary fear was for Paterno's reputation—and, specifically, for how revelations of their suffering might diminish his two national championships, three Big Ten titles, and 24 bowl victories.

    "This is obviously a sensitive subject for you, and I understand how difficult and uncomfortable it must be to talk about the abrupt end of JoePa's career, but as a journalist, it's my responsibility to weed past the 40 counts of sexual misconduct over a 15-year period and the gross negligence on the part of school authorities and ask about what is really important here: Joe Paterno's football accomplishments," Steve Wieberg of USA Today said to one anonymous victim, who was 10 years old when Sandusky assaulted him and who now suffers from irreparable emotional and psychological damage. "He is the winningest Division I football coach of all time and a man whose very name is synonymous with excellence. As a Penn State fan yourself, this must be very tough for you."

    "When you told your family how Coach Sandusky forced you to engage in illicit 'soap battles' with him in the shower, what were their thoughts on Joe Paterno?" he continued as the abuse victim stared silently back at him. "Was their immediate response worry and concern for how this might tarnish his six Fiesta Bowl wins?"

    Given the delicate situation, sportswriters said they felt the need to tread lightly and initially only asked victims how they thought Paterno might be feeling during this difficult time. They then followed up with more substantial questions about being exploited and preyed upon by a sexual deviant, such as how the victims thought their being pinned against a wall while Sandusky assaulted them might hurt Penn State's 2012 recruiting class; how covering up a systematic pedophile victim-grooming pipeline, in the form of youth football camps, might damage the culture of winning Paterno worked so hard to establish; and whether they were worried about the mental state of the team heading into Saturday's game against Nebraska.

    In addition, various representatives from CNN, The New York Times, and Sports Illustrated asked the victims—all of whom will reportedly have to undergo therapy for the rest of their lives—how they thought Paterno's wife, Sue, and their five children were holding up.

    Sources later confirmed that one victim, who couldn't stop shaking his head while being questioned, began sobbing openly when asked if he would join the throngs of students who took to the streets to protest the head coach's ouster, and if he thought his molestation would overshadow Paterno's renowned ability to graduate his players.

    "The victim I spoke to, who was 12 years old when Sandusky first took advantage of him, looked very upset throughout the entire interview," Sports Illustrated writer Stewart Mandel said. "And when I asked whether he was concerned not just for how Joe Paterno would be remembered, but also for the football program's ability to recover, he told me the interview was over and I should get out of his house."

    "Can you blame him, though?" Mandel added. "A coaching legend's reputation hangs in the balance. I'm just as hurt and frustrated as he is."

    Many members of the sports media said they found the victims equally uncooperative and generally disinterested in Paterno's Bear Bryant, Walter Camp, and Eddie Robinson Coach of the Year Awards. According to the journalists, shock and trauma were possible reasons for this response, and the victim's were more than likely speechless due to the thought of Paterno's storied career ending on such a sour note.

    "I think right now they just need some time," said ESPN senior writer Ivan Maisel, who, in light of the allegations of misconduct at every level of Penn State's administration and the dozens of ruined lives that resulted, filed a column about Paterno's football legacy Wednesday. "I'm sure they'll be better when the dust settles and they realize just how impressive 409 victories really is."

    At press time, the victims of years and years of psyche-destroying sexual abuse released a joint statement saying they were not concerned about Joe Paterno's legacy.
  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    ^ That has to be fake
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    boooo i like your opinions
    Somebody actually likes my opinions?
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    boooo i like your opinions
    Somebody actually likes my opinions?
    I like your opinions!
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,824 spicy boy
    george... <_>

    onion is a media satire site
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    george... <_>

    onion is a media satire site
    :-?? .. didnt know, i just read it.
  • Chicken_FuckerChicken_Fucker Posts: 15,691 destroyer of motherfuckers
    george... <_>

    onion is a media satire site
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,661 master of ceremonies
    George <________________________________________________________________________________________________>
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    This doesnt make sense to me.....

    According to the indictment, in 2002 assistant coach Mike McQueary, then a Penn State graduate assistant,[18] walked in on Sandusky subjecting a ten-year-old boy to anal penetration. The next day, he reported the incident to Paterno, who informed Curley.

    First off, I dont know about you's, but if I saw someone raping a boy, I'd smash their fucking face, then call the cops. Supposedly this guy who i'm guessing had to be atleast in his late 20's(graduate assistant) saw this scumbag molesting a kid, and called his dad and they went to paterno. After smashing his face, then I would call the cops. But honestly, why wouldnt he just call the fucking cops? it makes no sense..... This McQueary asshole should lose his job too. Why is he not fired? This whole thing I keep hearing more and more about and its making me rage.

    I also found this absolutley disturbing... This many people knew and noone did nothing??? wtf? its like that fucking movie about that kid who was kidnapped and murdered, there were so many witnesses and noone said or did anything to stop it.


    At first I was like thats fucked up what they did to JoePa, but now, what I'm hearing and reading.... fuck them. I cant beleieve people could sleep at night with that on their brains. All to protect the name of a school. Fucking cowards, all of them.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    no shit George.... I see shit like that going down, I'm picking up the nearest bat, or something similar and smashing that guys face in. Im then calling the police and let them sort the whole thing out.

    I doubt assault to stop the rape of a minor is anything I'd be in trouble for.
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