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The Erik Peterson remebrance/appreciation thread



  • MikeMike Posts: 7,820 admin
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  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Ok? I guess I'm what Erik says then? I guess advice nowadays is pointless to angsty teenagers like Erik who don't listen. I didn't say I would scream in their face and tell them to go fake kill themselves. I would give them tough love and make sure they'd listen unread of ignore and act like an idiot. I've known people like Erik and they still act the same way they did at 13. It's fucking sad
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    And people still talk about him.
    Was he ever wrong, goddamn
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  • TheDevilsDreadsTheDevilsDreads Posts: 1,625 just the tip
    Ok? I guess I'm what Erik says then? I guess advice nowadays is pointless to angsty teenagers like Erik who don't listen. I didn't say I would scream in their face and tell them to go fake kill themselves. I would give them tough love and make sure they'd listen unread of ignore and act like an idiot. I've known people like Erik and they still act the same way they did at 13. It's fucking sad
    dont call yourself a bitch, i never said that, and if i implied it im sorry. look im not trying to make enemies here but weve all been fucking bullied weve all been pushed around and told that we need to nut up or shut up. we dont like it thats why were here on these forums talking to other metalheads not going to church and wearing hollister. why should it be any different for Erik. if you wanna teach him something do it with a guiding hand not a clenched fist. try to understand him instead of trying to make him understand everyone else. we ALL know the kid hasnt had the easiest life, i dont wanna hear my parents fucking or shit like that. pity him dont be hostile and make fun of him, contempt breeds contamination.
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    I do understand him because I delt with someone like Erik before. He wasn't as anti-social but that's the only difference. I tried to help him the nice goody-goody way and it obviously didn't work. He's now 24 or 25 (not sure which), has no desire for college, and can't keep a girlfriend because he never changed and he didn't really want to. I don't want to see Erik waste away like that so I did the tough love approach. I have taken a crack at him once or twice and only became a bitch if he attacked me in some way for a stupid reason. A big thing he needs to work on is the "no one will ever change me, I'm anti-social and proud" outlook. Because if he doesn't he'll never change or even accept it to better himself
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    when someone takes a shot at me, ill take a shot back soo...
    if he hadnt been a bitch to me then wed still be A OK
  • TheDevilsDreadsTheDevilsDreads Posts: 1,625 just the tip
    I do understand him because I delt with someone like Erik before. He wasn't as anti-social but that's the only difference. I tried to help him the nice goody-goody way and it obviously didn't work. He's now 24 or 25 (not sure which), has no desire for college, and can't keep a girlfriend because he never changed and he didn't really want to. I don't want to see Erik waste away like that so I did the tough love approach. I have taken a crack at him once or twice and only became a bitch if he attacked me in some way for a stupid reason. A big thing he needs to work on is the "no one will ever change me, I'm anti-social and proud" outlook. Because if he doesn't he'll never change or even accept it to better himself
    i agree with what you said. but one size doesnt fit all. ive talked to the guy ive calmly told him what he needs to know. people may not think of as an equal but if you treat him like one he tends to respect you and your opinion. obviously the tough love approach aint working for Erik. ive seen that the "goody-goody way" is the way that you can get erik to THINK about his own arrogance and stupidity. im not saying anything he does is right, im just trying to get everyone realize that everything were doing to him is JUST as wrong.
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    julian, did you forget me and him were such good friends?
    ive tried to talk to him FRIEND to a FRIEND and that didnt even work
  • TheDevilsDreadsTheDevilsDreads Posts: 1,625 just the tip
    julian, did you forget me and him were such good friends?
    ive tried to talk to him FRIEND to a FRIEND and that didnt even work
    mhm, i understand. youre right Erik doesnt understand how to talk to people. he is a condescending person and we all have the right to try and help him with that. but no one has the right to demean him and tell him to kill himself. what does that accomplish? i totally understand Eye for an Eye if he takes a hit at you fine hit him back, but drop it after that. dont bring up shit that happened years and months and weeks ago, that's a bullshit tactic that we all despise. im not asking you to communicate with him, im not asking you to be nice to him, im just asking you to leave him alone. if you ignore him hell get that hes doing something wrong. whats he gonna do if nobody says anyhting to him? it wont fucking destroy him like telling him hes a worthless piece of shit does.

    his rascist comments are innexcusable, i see no problem with letting him know that, dishing it back to him. you all have to agree though two years of CONSTANT harassment and bullying is going way too far. you want him gone. do it the mature way and ignore him. he may not be able to be mature with you, but why sink to his level?
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    so bringing up my personal life that had no reason to be said wasnt worth defending myself?
    i would have ended it then if he had, but no, his little girlfriend has to get involved where its not necessary
    hes been a nusiance to the point where "sinking to his level" isnt even a concern to me
    maybe the two years of bullying will get through to him one day, until then, i dont see myself stopping
  • TheDevilsDreadsTheDevilsDreads Posts: 1,625 just the tip
    edited September 2010
    so bringing up my personal life that had no reason to be said wasnt worth defending myself?
    i would have ended it then if he had, but no, his little girlfriend has to get involved where its not necessary
    hes been a nusiance to the point where "sinking to his level" isnt even a concern to me
    maybe the two years of bullying will get through to him one day, until then, i dont see myself stopping
    i never even knew about this so yeah...

    anyways i think youre wrong. but you guys CONSTANTLY bring up his personal life so at the same time you deserve it. go cry me a river, you dont want him to attack you personally then dont attack him. you were doing it long before he did so dont even try to tell me he did it first.

    im sorry that youre so lost that you cant stop picking on a 14 year old.

    EDIT: ommited profanity. because i realize its useless.
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    if you did read and educate yourself about the situation youd know i brought up his personal life AFTER he took a low blow at me soo...
    either way, youre doing no good
    cheers on your efforts though, if you think all he needs is someone to talk to then be my guest and take on that role
  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,661 master of ceremonies

    i agree with what you said. but one size doesnt fit all.

    That's not true. They make one size fits all hats and shirt and pants. I seem em.
  • TheDevilsDreadsTheDevilsDreads Posts: 1,625 just the tip

    i agree with what you said. but one size doesnt fit all.

    That's not true. They make one size fits all hats and shirt and pants. I seem em.
    i see what you did thur
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    underwear is usually one size fits all were i shop
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    My one issue with that long statement earlier, is that he makes the claim that changing yourself is wrong. I consider the opposite to be true. Adapting to social situations is an important part of life.
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  • TheDevilsDreadsTheDevilsDreads Posts: 1,625 just the tip
    if you did read and educate yourself about the situation youd know i brought up his personal life AFTER he took a low blow at me soo...
    either way, youre doing no good
    cheers on your efforts though, if you think all he needs is someone to talk to then be my guest and take on that role
    yes but aside from that incident, you guys bring up his personal life all the time. its partly his fault for talking about it but your like vultures.

    youre doing no good either so

    btw ive been here since the original forum got reset i think ive seen enough of whats happening to get the jist of it. maybe if you read and educated yourself on how to be courteous to your fellow human you might not have gotten attacked by him
  • TheDevilsDreadsTheDevilsDreads Posts: 1,625 just the tip
    My one issue with that long statement earlier, is that he makes the claim that changing yourself is wrong. I consider the opposite to be true. Adapting to social situations is an important part of life.
    im not saying changing youreself is wrong. im saying trying to change other people with hostility is wrong.

    nobody likes the jehovas trying to tell us we live the wrong way. why should this be any different.
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    im a pretty heartless bitch so humans mean really nothing to me and i can handle myself if im attacked so he can do it as much as he wants
    he just better expect it back in equal or greater value :)
  • TheDevilsDreadsTheDevilsDreads Posts: 1,625 just the tip
    im a pretty heartless bitch so humans mean really nothing to me and i can handle myself if im attacked so he can do it as much as he wants
    he just better expect it back in equal or greater value :)
    no you dont

    this is an obviously attention whoreing comment. maybe youre really Erik in disguise
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