So my aunt has become some sort of super duper religious person recently. She now comments on my posts telling me to not go to haunted houses..because halloween is evil lol. But the most amusing one was me complaining about the xmas shit being put in stores..which means shitty xmas tunes aren't far. "But it's about Jesus and you should celebrate his birthday." One, it's not his birthday. 2, it's a stolen pagan holiday. Xmas sucks lol
the first night i did lyft for bar nights i pulled up to this big bar downtown and there was a girl with what i thought was her friend outside. She was pretty intoxicated. So i pulled up expecting both of them to get in. Nope this chick was hanging on a waitress and the waitress just stuffed her in my car and buckled her seatbelt.
This chick ended up puking, mostly outside cause i stopped, but a tid bit in my car. She then tried to crawl home the remaining 6 blocks because she was embarrassed. When i finally got her to her house i had to unlock the door for her because she couldn't even use her keys. He dog then almost bit me, and she tried to hug me with puke in her hair.
I passed, and thats the story of the first time someone puked in my car. )
No, he also sent a message to my friend and it reads different than mine. Mine is about getting to rehab his is about getting stranded by a girl from tinder without getting fucked both asking for money
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
the first night i did lyft for bar nights i pulled up to this big bar downtown and there was a girl with what i thought was her friend outside. She was pretty intoxicated. So i pulled up expecting both of them to get in. Nope this chick was hanging on a waitress and the waitress just stuffed her in my car and buckled her seatbelt.
This chick ended up puking, mostly outside cause i stopped, but a tid bit in my car. She then tried to crawl home the remaining 6 blocks because she was embarrassed. When i finally got her to her house i had to unlock the door for her because she couldn't even use her keys. He dog then almost bit me, and she tried to hug me with puke in her hair.
I passed, and thats the story of the first time someone puked in my car. )
RIP on the puke thankfully I haven't had to deal with that. Not tryna story battle cuz yours takes the cake, but when I first started driving for uber about half a year ago I got a late night drunk trip from a bar back to some chick's apt out of state. The guy she was seeing basically stuffed her into the back seat and asked me to get her home safe while she kept drunk yelling at him that he was an asshole. She tried to make some conversation at first but thankfully passed out and I just put on some tunes for the highway cruise. When I got off her exit she started babbling some shit like "are you okay" and "I don't want you out driving" and I was confused because I thought she was making some underhanded comments about my driving, which I know was pristine. Didn't realize until afterwards that she was prob trying to get some D.
I picked up a car full of kids ranging from 5-15. Most were older but three of them were siblings including the youngest. I was taking them from a movie theater to a hotel. Turns out mom was out of town on "business" with John who forked out and put the kids in a hotel and also ordered the fucking lyft. Older kids knew all about it, knew their mom polished knobs for money and skipped the movie to get high. Mom was also high scale too because he flew her out to Colorado. Kids skipped the movie to get high. They tried to give me to take cash under the table to pick them up and move them a couple hours later.
They were also teenage cunts that liked me but gave me relentless shit lol for example
Kids: hey Brody, you seeing anybody? Me: I'm not trying to talk to kids about my love life Kids: oh, so you're lonely?!
Look at all the editing!
This chick ended up puking, mostly outside cause i stopped, but a tid bit in my car. She then tried to crawl home the remaining 6 blocks because she was embarrassed. When i finally got her to her house i had to unlock the door for her because she couldn't even use her keys. He dog then almost bit me, and she tried to hug me with puke in her hair.
I passed, and thats the story of the first time someone puked in my car.
Did you respond?
Not that I'd have obliged.
But still.
They were also teenage cunts that liked me but gave me relentless shit lol for example
Kids: hey Brody, you seeing anybody?
Me: I'm not trying to talk to kids about my love life
Kids: oh, so you're lonely?!