WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Yeah a venti white mocha has 6 large squirts if white chocolate, lots of fatty milk, and whip cream. Liquid death is accurate but it tastes soooo yummy.
Like breadsticks at OG. I ain’t quitting that shit though.
Just gonna drop this here for xeno. Since he was telling me low carb is bad for your long term health. Carbs are a gigantic factor when it comes to heart disease. We have been being fed lies about Saturated fats for decades.
Great article and that’s where I’ve been lately too... but you know what I’d like to know??? What’s the easiest way to limit carbs? They are fucking everywhere. Fruit? Carbs. Sugar? Carbs. Bread and pasta? Major carbs. So what’s a reasonable way i can limit carbs but not be hunting for low carb options?? Serious question. Like is there any trick “don’t eat these 5 things and you’re doing good” type of thing?
It can be a pain in the ass. Its really only hard to start though. Once you make it a daily habbit it becomes much easier.
What i do is i generate a meal plan for each day of the whole month. Then every other saturday i go shopping and spend part of the day prepping meals for two weeks out.
I cant even really describe how much better i feel physically eatinng this way. I dont get that tired feeling after eating any more. My energy levels are higher, and most importantly my blood sugar levels are now right where they should be. Iv only been doing it for about 6 weeks, but i have no desire to even really eat anything high in carbs. It just makes you feel like shit.
if anything it’s probably neutral, but it lowers your risk of liver cirrhosis. Studies have linked coffee to lowering your risk of type 2 diabetes. Not to mention its loaded with nutrients and antioxidants.
Too much coffee might not be good for you, but that goes for anything . Moderation is key. 1-2 cups a day is definitely not bad for you.
if anything it’s probably neutral, but it lowers your risk of liver cirrhosis. Studies have linked coffee to lowering your risk of type 2 diabetes. Not to mention its loaded with nutrients and antioxidants.
Too much coffee might not be good for you, but that goes for anything . Moderation is key. 1-2 cups a day is definitely not bad for you.
Its addictive, and can lead to digestion issues, sleep issues, and heartbeat irregularities and muscle spasms. Plus just running off natural energy >>>
Iv lost 40 pounds since march. Its been a combinations of things not just the way i eat, but i have put a lot of research into this.
My GF is also a nurse and is extremely detailed oriented and organize. So she takes care of a lot of the shit i dont want to do as far as planning/ research.
Like breadsticks at OG. I ain’t quitting that shit though.
What i do is i generate a meal plan for each day of the whole month. Then every other saturday i go shopping and spend part of the day prepping meals for two weeks out.
I cant even really describe how much better i feel physically eatinng this way. I dont get that tired feeling after eating any more. My energy levels are higher, and most importantly my blood sugar levels are now right where they should be. Iv only been doing it for about 6 weeks, but i have no desire to even really eat anything high in carbs. It just makes you feel like shit.
if anything it’s probably neutral, but it lowers your risk of liver cirrhosis. Studies have linked coffee to lowering your risk of type 2 diabetes. Not to mention its loaded with nutrients and antioxidants.
Too much coffee might not be good for you, but that goes for anything . Moderation is key. 1-2 cups a day is definitely not bad for you.
My GF is also a nurse and is extremely detailed oriented and organize. So she takes care of a lot of the shit i dont want to do as far as planning/ research.