I also get it though. If these guys really *are* the metal industry, there's nothing you can do as a nobody. Especially for someone like FF who is trying to make it in that industry. Its his livlihood. And if bands more powerful than him have tried and failed to do something about it, what chance does he have?
I say distance yourself as much as possible from those people. Make friends with the good people you can. And work together on a solution. One person cant topple it. And try and find more concrete evidence before making accusations against people that could potentially blacklist you.
Yeah I get it too. There could be consequences. Fuck it though. Being part of the cover up isn't part of the solution. If keeping open secrets like that is part of the job then fuck the job. Sometimes doing what is right is hard. Don't protect another Cosby or Weinstein.
Neither of you obviously know what you're talking about. This isn't fucking simple, and its not about me trying to save my was. I have literally no worth or pull in the industry outside underground hardcore. My word and opinion do not matter in comparrison to these people. It would talk others much more important than me to get anyone to listen.
I also get it though. If these guys really *are* the metal industry, there's nothing you can do as a nobody. Especially for someone like FF who is trying to make it in that industry. Its his livlihood. And if bands more powerful than him have tried and failed to do something about it, what chance does he have?
I say distance yourself as much as possible from those people. Make friends with the good people you can. And work together on a solution. One person cant topple it. And try and find more concrete evidence before making accusations against people that could potentially blacklist you.
I thought you also believed that literally any rape accusation could instantly ruin someone's career?
What a fucking coward piece of shit. Why would you even put yourself out there and mention anything about it to us? I assume this is not a troll post or spam,.. and that you actually know the victim and the rapist. But you're just a fucking coward to put his name on blast. And for fear of what????? Da fuq is gonna happen? Maybe nothing. But maybe your fucking buddy will get what's coming to him.
I hope this victim is not your actual friend. If she is,.. then you are also a piece of shit friend.
Lol shut the fuck up with your holier than thou bullshit. Weren't you one of the people blasting the whole "#metoo" thing? You legit don't know what you're talking about.
And the funny thing is that in my OP, I asked a hypothetical question, YOU guys are the ones who bitched and moaned about details. So kiss my ads if you can't be serious.
I also get it though. If these guys really *are* the metal industry, there's nothing you can do as a nobody. Especially for someone like FF who is trying to make it in that industry. Its his livlihood. And if bands more powerful than him have tried and failed to do something about it, what chance does he have?
I say distance yourself as much as possible from those people. Make friends with the good people you can. And work together on a solution. One person cant topple it. And try and find more concrete evidence before making accusations against people that could potentially blacklist you.
I thought you also believed that literally any rape accusation could instantly ruin someone's career?
For someone like me or FF yea. For someone with power, maybe not.
Neither of you obviously know what you're talking about. This isn't fucking simple, and its not about me trying to save my was. I have literally no worth or pull in the industry outside underground hardcore. My word and opinion do not matter in comparrison to these people. It would talk others much more important than me to get anyone to listen.
Seems simple to me.
And not telling the story here just makes you part of the problem. You tell us, we tell our friends, our friends tell their friends, and so on and so forth... eventually word gets out on them and karma comes back to pay them back.
Okay Wake, ill bite. Tell me what you think I should do. Who do I tell? What do I tell them? Why should/would they believe me? Do you think they'd even believe me? If the answer to either of the last two questions is no, what should I do next, then?
Edit - Keep in mind it happened over a month ago, and I've only known two days. I have no proof of anything, and nobody to back up my word.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
0 fucks about who it is or how powerful they are.
I'm also not gonna cover scumbag behavior for other people allowing them to keep getting away with being scumbags. That also makes me a scumbag.
Are you a scumbag FF?
I say distance yourself as much as possible from those people. Make friends with the good people you can. And work together on a solution. One person cant topple it. And try and find more concrete evidence before making accusations against people that could potentially blacklist you.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Don't be a pussy, do what is right.
Fuck off with your excuses.
Either you try to do the right thing or you don't. It's your call.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
And the funny thing is that in my OP, I asked a hypothetical question, YOU guys are the ones who bitched and moaned about details. So kiss my ads if you can't be serious.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
The OP question was asked in a hypothetical sense, yes.
Nothing I can do about anything. My word means nothing.
And not telling the story here just makes you part of the problem. You tell us, we tell our friends, our friends tell their friends, and so on and so forth... eventually word gets out on them and karma comes back to pay them back.
Edit - Keep in mind it happened over a month ago, and I've only known two days. I have no proof of anything, and nobody to back up my word.