What was the black ticket? Is that the one that's good for any show on the tour?
Yea...500 bucks if I remember right
Goddamn. Any merch come with it at least?
There were only about 250 black tickets released They were about $580 or $600 each They allow you to attend any and all shows in the USA leg of the tour And you expect merch to be included? Wtf
What was the black ticket? Is that the one that's good for any show on the tour?
Yea...500 bucks if I remember right
Goddamn. Any merch come with it at least?
There were only about 250 black tickets released They were about $580 or $600 each They allow you to attend any and all shows in the USA leg of the tour And you expect merch to be included? Wtf
amerca is all about wut u can get free after youve paid for it stfu gnomez bitchz
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
What was the black ticket? Is that the one that's good for any show on the tour?
Yea...500 bucks if I remember right
Goddamn. Any merch come with it at least?
There were only about 250 black tickets released They were about $580 or $600 each They allow you to attend any and all shows in the USA leg of the tour And you expect merch to be included? Wtf
Every show on the US tour you get a floor ticket but you have to let them know 48 hours in advance you are attending. They sold out pretty much instantly.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
And if you love to travel and one show just isn’t enough, then perhaps the Wherever I May Roam Black Ticket is for you! For the first time in 'Tallica history, you may purchase one ticket that will allow you floor access to any Metallica show on the 2018/2019 North American tour. Feel like trucking to Tulsa? Booking to Boise? Motoring to Minneapolis? No problem… you pick the show, call us no less than 48 hours before the gig and you’re in! A limited number of 250 of these Black Tickets* will be available for $598 (yes… we are celebrating the re-issue of the Garage Days Re-Revisited EP!). All sale dates and times below.
*Wherever I May Roam Black Tickets are non-transferable and if re-sold will be revoked. Each ticket is good for entry to Metallica specific shows and may not be used for festivals, promotional shows, benefit concerts or any other dates not included in the 34 city North American tour announced on February 26, 2018. Use of a Black Ticket will require a reservation for each show you plan to attend no less than 48 hours in advance. More details about how to use your Black Ticket will be sent to purchasers via e-mail.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
There were only about 250 black tickets released
They were about $580 or $600 each
They allow you to attend any and all shows in the USA leg of the tour
And you expect merch to be included?
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
2.) I call bullshit on it being for every show.
He has a wife and a kid though
So Im better
such an infuriating story. the parents even offered to partially PAY for his new place and he still wouldnt budge.
jesus murphy. I stopped grtting any free handouts the day I turned 18.
The fact you compare him to me is insulting [-(
Recognize the issue.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)