And this is why I don't go into detail on shit. But this shit is legit bothering me and I have no fucking idea what I should do. I'm not naming names so don't even ask. One thing is two very established, high profile metal musicians raped someone I've briefly had contact with doing shows. No he said/she said this shit, it happened. Another thing is that a high profile industry person in hardcore helped cover up a homicide, as well as a sex trafficking case in Baltimore. There's a long list of shit, but that's the tip of it. I literally can't say it do anything about it, but just knowing that it happens is Nervewrecking me at night.
Its literally not as simple as that. I'm a fucking nobody in comparrison, no one in the industry would believe a word I say. A friend of mine and his family received death threats for saying he was going to do something, and now his band doesn't exist either. Its never as simple as "Oh just tell people what X person did", and implying it shows how fucking ignorant you are on the subject.
Thats all you had to say dude. We literally cant help you if we dont have some details.
i would probably just not work with those people. Or at least try not to.
They have ties to every corner of the industry with metal and hardcore. Even if I don't work with them directly, which I'm not, ill end up working with others who work with them.
Ignorance is only because of lack of information you flagging twat.
I now assume that this rapists is a person that is still getting away with it and nothing ever happened or became of it. Like,.. no female ever went to the police to report anything. Meaning she is a dumb fuck as well.
So this whole rape thing is just Hearsay.
It doesn't matter if you believe it to be true or not, I know it to be fact. The victim is someone I only somewhat know for a couple runins. I know she was roofied, but I didn't know about this till a month after the fact. But from what I'm hearing, it sounds like people ha e always felt uneasy around these two musicians in particular. They both have hands in the industry outside of just playing in a band. There are people who will look the other way and defend them because they make their labels/managers money. Band members have been forced out if their bands upon death threats and without explanation when they started question things. (example, Cattle Decap's last bassist - And no, this isn't about anyone in CD). As far as the covering up a murder thing, that's a different scenario. That guy has ties to This Is Hardcore, meaning he has ties to literally fucking every corner of that world of music. You can't just openly accuse people like them of their crimes because not only will no one believe you without proof, but you'll make yourself a problem for them.
I'm being serious, Jobe. There's been certain instances over the last week, and especially this weekend that have made me extremely cautious and paranoid about the bands i like, as well as the ones i work with. I'm genuinely hesitant to go into specifics, at least over damn forum text. I've lost respect for a lot of people over this shit, and i can't force myself to decide on whether to just look the other way or say some shit. Granted, i'm a fucking nobody, idk who would believe me anyways if i did.
Edit - Referring to @ people in the industry, not people on here.
It’s extremely annoying when you just don’t tell the entire story. And you do this ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!
that said, I personally would call them out for being dirtbags, and then I’d remove them from my life. I’d stop listening to their music. That’s just me though, and most people don’t roll like I do. In general people don’t like confrontation, and don’t speak out against people being disgusting. I do. Assuming I have first hand knowledge
I'm being serious, Jobe. There's been certain instances over the last week, and especially this weekend that have made me extremely cautious and paranoid about the bands i like, as well as the ones i work with. I'm genuinely hesitant to go into specifics, at least over damn forum text. I've lost respect for a lot of people over this shit, and i can't force myself to decide on whether to just look the other way or say some shit. Granted, i'm a fucking nobody, idk who would believe me anyways if i did.
Edit - Referring to @ people in the industry, not people on here.
that said, I personally would call them out for being dirtbags, and then I’d remove them from my life. I’d stop listening to their music. That’s just me though, and most people don’t roll like I do. In general people don’t like confrontation, and don’t speak out against people being disgusting. I do. Assuming I have first hand knowledge
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
What’s the question then that’s not already been answered? Yes I’d stop listening to them and I’d tell everyone I knew that wanted to listen. I would put them on blast. Is it covered? If not, what’s your question
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys
kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
i would probably just not work with those people. Or at least try not to.
that said, I personally would call them out for being dirtbags, and then I’d remove them from my life. I’d stop listening to their music. That’s just me though, and most people don’t roll like I do. In general people don’t like confrontation, and don’t speak out against people being disgusting. I do. Assuming I have first hand knowledge
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)