Fuck I want to throw hands with every full timer at work but one. Found this in our trim lug for gb. It’s beef tenderloin which we make way more on. And my manager wonders why I don’t trust them.
My mom was trying so hard to get me to go to Church with her today. I dont have the heart to tell her Im a heathen now, so I just basically said I got up too late and havent showered so Im not going. (Which is true). But now she's all disappointed and I know today is going to be annoying now because shes going to bring it up and try to have a discussion about it.
She keeps trying to make me join a young adult ministry too. Says I should do it to "meet people/girls". Im like, Im not looking to date right now anyways, and the last place I wanna meet girls at is at Church.
How did all of you get your parents to stop pestering you about Church?
I havent been to church in years. But today was Easter and I actually had off for a Sunday so I she was pestering extra hard today. They way she talks about it is so annoying. "Youre a child of God, hes calling to you to come back. Come back with me".
My mom was trying so hard to get me to go to Church with her today. I dont have the heart to tell her Im a heathen now, so I just basically said I got up too late and havent showered so Im not going. (Which is true). But now she's all disappointed and I know today is going to be annoying now because shes going to bring it up and try to have a discussion about it.
She keeps trying to make me join a young adult ministry too. Says I should do it to "meet people/girls". Im like, Im not looking to date right now anyways, and the last place I wanna meet girls at is at Church.
How did all of you get your parents to stop pestering you about Church?
My mom was trying so hard to get me to go to Church with her today. I dont have the heart to tell her Im a heathen now, so I just basically said I got up too late and havent showered so Im not going. (Which is true). But now she's all disappointed and I know today is going to be annoying now because shes going to bring it up and try to have a discussion about it.
She keeps trying to make me join a young adult ministry too. Says I should do it to "meet people/girls". Im like, Im not looking to date right now anyways, and the last place I wanna meet girls at is at Church.
How did all of you get your parents to stop pestering you about Church?
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
She keeps trying to make me join a young adult ministry too. Says I should do it to "meet people/girls". Im like, Im not looking to date right now anyways, and the last place I wanna meet girls at is at Church.
How did all of you get your parents to stop pestering you about Church?
Nah, nobody is calling me.