Or maybe you're just a shitty dude? Who knows. I'm more central on most things political, but I'm not supporting/promoting bands/musicians who turn out to be shitty people. I'm actually really bummed to hear about SSOS.
Nah Neill is the stereotypical sjw. Fueling the witch hunts, and pushing communism and antifa on his personal shit. I lost all respect for him when he came out in support of antifa.
For the record, I never listen to any of these bands that have been generating the controversies lately. Only controversial band I listen to is Burzum (and Pantera if Phil is still controversial), and I barely listen to Burzum anymore either. I could care less.
The Nazi thing doesnt bother me. Bands of all ideals and beliefs exist. I dont personally support them. But Im not going to picket their shows and witch hunt them on social media. Most of these guys do it for edgy shock value. Even David Bowie and the original punks used to do it. Where are/were their picketed protests? People are mad cuz of the Bolt Thrower dude wearing an antifa shirt. I dont care. Bolt Thrower is great, I'll keep listening to Bolt Thrower even though I dont like antifa.
The pedo thing is different. Inquisition can get fucked.
Wasn't being serious about the shitty dude comment. Regardless. I think it depends on the individual case. I'm not going to slam Taake or Decapitated for what has come up so far. The thing with Inquisition is undeniable, that dude is a scumbag. So is the guy from SSOS. I personally think Phil is shitty, but its more grey area than most. Fuck Varg.
New goal: Make a Doomguy costume for con season next year. I have a year to do it, and I think I'll be fit enough to look decently how Id like to in another year too.
This year's costume looks really good though, not gonna lie. Modded the gas mask the other day. I look legit.
Pic of the Doomguy, or the current costume. I posted one pre-mod in the pictures thread. Looks even better now that I modded it and have real gas mask hoses.
The Nazi thing doesnt bother me. Bands of all ideals and beliefs exist. I dont personally support them. But Im not going to picket their shows and witch hunt them on social media. Most of these guys do it for edgy shock value. Even David Bowie and the original punks used to do it. Where are/were their picketed protests? People are mad cuz of the Bolt Thrower dude wearing an antifa shirt. I dont care. Bolt Thrower is great, I'll keep listening to Bolt Thrower even though I dont like antifa.
The pedo thing is different. Inquisition can get fucked.
Isn't that what bus people do?
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Make a Doomguy costume for con season next year. I have a year to do it, and I think I'll be fit enough to look decently how Id like to in another year too.
This year's costume looks really good though, not gonna lie. Modded the gas mask the other day. I look legit.
>same state
>doesn’t go
>audacity to call me paper
SHOTS FIRED!!!!!!!!!