Millenials are literal scum. We got a new dude at work. Hasnt even been with us a month, and hes already requesting a full week off. Lazy, entitled cunts
its work my dude. You're supposed to request days off that you would like to not have to work
Requesting a full week when you're new is overstepping though. I could understand if maybe he had it planned before working, and he said something upfront. But he didnt.
Requesting a full week when you're new is overstepping though. I could understand if maybe he had it planned before working, and he said something upfront. But he didnt.
This is what sets you off though? Idk man, I usually get much more pissed off at employers for not giving their employees enough time off in the first place. Most industrialized countries give like double the amount of time off than we do.
So fuck millenials? Naw, fuck all those old butthurt baby boomers that want everyone else to waste their life away at work just because they had to.
Requesting a full week when you're new is overstepping though. I could understand if maybe he had it planned before working, and he said something upfront. But he didnt.
This is what sets you off though? Idk man, I usually get much more pissed off at employers for not giving their employees enough time off in the first place. Most industrialized countries give like double the amount of time off than we do.
So fuck millenials? Naw, fuck all those old butthurt baby boomers that want everyone else to waste their life away at work just because they had to.
No I understand that you cant always get what you want in life, and you have to work for it, and there is a work ethic business owners like, and taking a week off in your first month is not that kind of ethic.
He asked/ gave notice there is nothing wrong with that. And arlo is right more and more studies show you get more production out of less hours and more vacation than you do over worked and low morale employees. Some companies in the US are finally realizing this shit.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
My parents work in the finance world. Mom at a bank, dad is an accountant. And both of them are always saying that the millenial employees are the hardest to work with. They show up late, leave early, take long breaks, dont get their jobs done, expect to be promoted right away and then quit if they dont, wont answer calls or emails - only texts, etc. They've literally had millenial's parents call their bosses to complain because the actual enployees are entitled pussies. Back when I was an intern and temp agent, I was consistently the only worker that would ACTUALLY work, and thats why companies always offered me jobs.
He asked/ gave notice there is nothing wrong with that. And arlo is right more and more studies show you get more production out of less hours and more vacation than you do over worked and low morale employees. Some companies in the US are finally realizing this shit.
Well my boss denied him, and told him to fuck off with that shit after only being there a month
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
So fuck millenials? Naw, fuck all those old butthurt baby boomers that want everyone else to waste their life away at work just because they had to.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)