So I backed out on buying new wheels cuz of the insurance spike of $200 per month. Well we switched back to our normal cars the very next day. Insurance is still trying to charge us $350 for all vehicles. So my wife gets on the phone with them,... and now it is down to $100 for 3 vehicles. Woot!
When I was hanging out with my buddy Steve (who is signed to a pretty big label) I really got my eyes open to a lot of things on the business side of things.
He had 2 other dudes with him out on the road, Flip and another guy, I don't recall his name so we shall call him Weasel Dick. Flip rapped onstage with him, and was wandering through the crowd hustling CD's after the show. Help load and unload shit. Weasel Dick was the driver ($300 a week) and manned the merch booth for extra pay. Break any tour rules and the label will fine you. (All fines paid out to charity of your choice at the end of the tour) Steve had no say in the pricing of his own merch and everything was counted before they left. Anything not accounted for (that's a fine) comes out of their pocket, rules of the label. They payed for all of it. Weasel Dick is also a label stooge who will rat Steve and Flip out if they break any tour rules. There is a whole fucking big book of rules. Gotta do the meet and greet. Gotta do the interviews. Time to go sign shit. Gotta do this, gotta do that, can't do this, can't do that, don't set shit on fire, rules, rules, rules.
Sometimes it's better to not peak behind the curtains.
Sure is. Not quite the fun and games one pictures in their mind when being out on tour. I seem to recall he made a nice chunk off of the physical copies they sold at the show. His merch it didn't matter if you got it at the show or on the label's website, his cut was the same either way as I recall. The label takes care of all that shit.
This might be good question for Tool VIP. I don't really know what else to ask them lol.
We have Black Ink, the reality show, filming here today. One of the producers just came up and was like "can we borrow a pillow?" We're like "what for?"
"Oh, we're making it so like out guy is mad at his girl friend and so he slept in the studio over night"
My manager: "I thought you were a reality TV show"
That's enough for a rzr payment being saved...
im feeling charitable today.
He had 2 other dudes with him out on the road, Flip and another guy, I don't recall his name so we shall call him Weasel Dick. Flip rapped onstage with him, and was wandering through the crowd hustling CD's after the show. Help load and unload shit. Weasel Dick was the driver ($300 a week) and manned the merch booth for extra pay. Break any tour rules and the label will fine you. (All fines paid out to charity of your choice at the end of the tour) Steve had no say in the pricing of his own merch and everything was counted before they left. Anything not accounted for (that's a fine) comes out of their pocket, rules of the label. They payed for all of it. Weasel Dick is also a label stooge who will rat Steve and Flip out if they break any tour rules. There is a whole fucking big book of rules. Gotta do the meet and greet. Gotta do the interviews. Time to go sign shit. Gotta do this, gotta do that, can't do this, can't do that, don't set shit on fire, rules, rules, rules.
Sometimes it's better to not peak behind the curtains.
This might be good question for Tool VIP. I don't really know what else to ask them lol.
Should we find one for ya?
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
"Oh, we're making it so like out guy is mad at his girl friend and so he slept in the studio over night"
My manager: "I thought you were a reality TV show"
"We are"