It's weird how many dudes my age run around with comic book shirts now. I was an outcast for being into comics growing up. I could literally count on one hand how many kids openly read comics
Nah he's right. Back in the successful Ozzfest years, when metal was kinda hip, there would be all these fags dressed up as Kid Rock and Wayne Static at shows with all the cutie Hot Topic girls after them. Normies don't give a fuck about culture, they just wanna be wearing the fresh clothes
Nah he's right. Back in the successful Ozzfest years, when metal was kinda hip, there would be all these fags dressed up as Kid Rock and Wayne Static at shows with all the cutie Hot Topic girls after them. Normies don't give a fuck about culture, they just wanna be wearing the fresh clothes
Even now. All the pop stars, and hip hop people, and reality TV personalities are wearing Slayer and Municipal Waste shirts as fashion accessories, and yet the actual metalheads are still ignored.
The nerd stuff doesnt really bother me. Most comic book characters are pop culture at this point. If they didnt grow up reading comics like me theres a chance they watched the old comic movies (Michael Keaton Batman or Reeves Superman) or grew up watching the saturday morning cartoons. If the biggest punishment to Daredevil, Doctor Strange, The Punisher, Ant Man, and Black Panther getting movies or shows is that chads and soccer moms think its cool thats a good deal if you ask me.
When did that even happen? It's like overnight Kanye wore a Testament shirt then suddenly Slayer, MW, and Corpse shirts were everywhere. That shit is still funny to me because I figured that taking off as a trend, you'd see more Metallica shirts or something but it's funny how they're leaning towards aggressive thrash and death metal shirts lol of course 9/10 celebs wearing them probably can't even name a song or two.
The nerd stuff doesnt really bother me. Most comic book characters are pop culture at this point. If they didnt grow up reading comics like me theres a chance they watched the old comic movies (Michael Keaton Batman or Reeves Superman) or grew up watching the saturday morning cartoons. If the biggest punishment to Daredevil, Doctor Strange, The Punisher, Ant Man, and Black Panther getting movies or shows is that chads and soccer moms think its cool thats a good deal if you ask me.
That's the only reason it doesn't bother me. I know all te money being made off the trend is why we're getting all this awesome film stuff. I just see where MC is coming from because it's mad annoying to be into something and have it swarmed with poseurs
When did that even happen? It's like overnight Kanye wore a Testament shirt then suddenly Slayer, MW, and Corpse shirts were everywhere. That shit is still funny to me because I figured that taking off as a trend, you'd see more Metallica shirts or something but it's funny how they're leaning towards aggressive thrash and death metal shirts lol of course 9/10 celebs wearing them probably can't even name a song or two.
I think it's cuz all these people are internet cool kids who are nihilist and angsty so they try to wear aggressive clothing, but they're listening to Kanye
when you buy merch directly from a band at a show, they do make more profit off of it than if you were to buy it online, yeah?
obviously theres shipping costs associated with online orders, but they dont split any cost with that anyway. whats the typical breakdown if I were to buy a merch at a show? if the band has already paid for the merch to be printed, then there shouldnt be a middleman, right? unless the venue asks for some merch cut or something.
when you buy merch directly from a band at a show, they do make more profit off of it than if you were to buy it online, yeah?
obviously theres shipping costs associated with online orders, but they dont split any cost with that anyway. whats the typical breakdown if I were to buy a merch at a show? if the band has already paid for the merch to be printed, then there shouldnt be a middleman, right? unless the venue asks for some merch cut or something.
If you buy online typically the webstore gets a cut. But at a show, the band should get 100%
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Kinda like someone we know
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
when you buy merch directly from a band at a show, they do make more profit off of it than if you were to buy it online, yeah?
obviously theres shipping costs associated with online orders, but they dont split any cost with that anyway. whats the typical breakdown if I were to buy a merch at a show? if the band has already paid for the merch to be printed, then there shouldnt be a middleman, right? unless the venue asks for some merch cut or something.