Some crazy shit went down for my brother this weekend. He goes to work very early in the morning so he was headed home from getting some groceries at 5 am before heading in. He was doing 50 when dude pulled out in front of him. My brother tboned him. My brother is alright and had a mild concussion and a lot of bruising/soreness. That's not what's crazy though. Dude he hit survived though he did get taken away on a stretcher. He was also read his rights and sent off to jail and will most likely be spending some time in prison. If my brother hadn't wrecked into him I can pretty much promise dude would be dead. This dude had a loaded shotgun next to him and was drunk heading to his girlfriends house to kill her. He threatened her and was headed her way to follow through when my bro smashed into him. Cops were waiting at her house. The told my brother with the state that guy was in they were preparing for the worst and expected dude to fire as soon as he got there. The wreck most likely saved dude from being shot by cops and saved whoever may have got hit if he had pulled the trigger before they would have put him down. Probably a good thing he was knocked out when my brother approached his car to.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
absolutely...hopefully he cried sore back...almost impossible to prove him false on that...they will offer you upwards of 25,000 just to stay out of court...cheaper to pay you off than pay atty. fees
Some crazy shit went down for my brother this weekend. He goes to work very early in the morning so he was headed home from getting some groceries at 5 am before heading in. He was doing 50 when dude pulled out in front of him. My brother tboned him. My brother is alright and had a mild concussion and a lot of bruising/soreness. That's not what's crazy though. Dude he hit survived though he did get taken away on a stretcher. He was also read his rights and sent off to jail and will most likely be spending some time in prison. If my brother hadn't wrecked into him I can pretty much promise dude would be dead. This dude had a loaded shotgun next to him and was drunk heading to his girlfriends house to kill her. He threatened her and was headed her way to follow through when my bro smashed into him. Cops were waiting at her house. The told my brother with the state that guy was in they were preparing for the worst and expected dude to fire as soon as he got there. The wreck most likely saved dude from being shot by cops and saved whoever may have got hit if he had pulled the trigger before they would have put him down. Probably a good thing he was knocked out when my brother approached his car to.
My boss asked if I could open the Sunday after C2E2 (comic con in April). Im like "sure, just dont make me open the sunday after the weekend in May im taking off (anime con)". "Why's that?" "I mean you can schedule me, but I will be hungover as fuck". "Ok I wont make you open that Sunday".
unless i listen to mastodon doe
How come your bro ain't a Ginga!????
why the fuck are they banned?