The people who run press/media for the festival wouldn't exactly be to happy about that, considering it gets officially announced on Wednesday. We've covered it every year since 2010, and even though it had a lot of meh/shitty years, it's still huge for site traffic.
You missed your chance. Other sites leaked it already today
We will put it up on Wednesday when it's all officially announced. We're directly in contact with the woman who runs media for warped about doing promo stuff, and us putting up a leak would've looks very poor from their end.
I'm honestly kinda pissed because the guy who actually owns the website has started writing for The Sickest, which is the website owned by the vocalist from Attila. Because i initially wanted to post the article as soon as i saw it, but he gave us the TLDR version of the spiel i gave here. Saying it would fuck over our relationship with Warped's publicists and whatnot. And yet he fucking goes and posts it on The Sickest. Like, bitch what the fuck?
I'm usually paranoid about leaking shit, cause someone who used to work for us fucked our entire relationship over with Epitaph Records for leaking some shit. But the fact that he said to not do it, and then turned around and did it for another site he doesn't even own pisses me off.
Fronz (Attila vocalist) is the weirdest motherfucker in music. His music is atrocious as fuck, and yet he sells a shitload of merch. He lives in Orlando and we've met him a few times, and everything he does in his music is 100% an act and persona. He's honestly a genius when it comes to the business side of things.
He's not that much of a genius cuz I've never heard his music and have only seen them as a punchline on this site
Well yeah, cause you probably don't listen to a single warped style band past the early years. Attila makes an absolute shitload in merch and they pack out medium/large sized club venues. The music is atrocious as fuck, but they definitely profit big time.