Dude had a few dui's and domestic issues before this I don't know the whole thing but yea it's going to be a court battle. Good thing my brothers wife is a paralegal that works for the top lawyer for these sorts of things there.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I have a toothache so i asked a coworker for some asprin but she gave me a vicodin instead. Pain's gone but now i'm spaced out as fuck and have to work fuuuuuu
Yeah MC, you're not as hood as your fellow MU alumni, so cobbling together some z grade hip hop slang and attaching it to a cartoon isn't as funny to you. For this, you should feel bad about yourself
Yeah MC, you're not as hood as your fellow MU alumni, so cobbling together some z grade hip hop slang and attaching it to a cartoon isn't as funny to you. For this, you should feel bad about yourself
Yall really are some of the lamest mfs alive. Jesus Christ.
Yeah MC, you're not as hood as your fellow MU alumni, so cobbling together some z grade hip hop slang and attaching it to a cartoon isn't as funny to you. For this, you should feel bad about yourself
Yall really are some of the lamest mfs alive. Jesus Christ.
4pm here on the day of renewal/expiry
Then we'll be free