Im already home. My boss got way to trashed way to quick, the other coworkers bailed, and my main guy at work also got too drunk. I wanted to stay out, but everyone left.
Feel pretty shitty. Lost my cool tonight for like the second time in my life ever. Me and my buddies were all getting trashed and one of them has a very bad habit of trying to fight everyone when he gets drunk. He's one that I've know for a couple of years, but I've known the rest of them since second grade so I'm obviously closer with them. Anyway, dude gets trashed and starts shit talking everyone and we ignore for the most part. I was DD so I had stopped drinking about an hour ago at this point and was mostly sobered up. So he puts hands on one of my guys and he turns to me and goes "Dude get him off me or I'm swinging." So I grab the obnoxious fighty drunk carefully and I'm like "Dude you're trashed just take a seat and relax" and he's like "Oh you wanna go Nigga? Come on fight me then." At this point everyone is losing patience with him and I'm trying to calm him down so I put him on the couch and turn around and he throws a beer bottle at my head. I'm pretty patient and laid back generally so I turned to him and was like "Do that shit again and I'm dropping you off at home right now." So I'm having a cigarette, back to him, talking to my friend and out of nowhere he tackles me against the tool shelf (we were drinking in the garage). So I push him back and he comes at me and I couldn't keep my cool. He throws a shit swing and misses, so I clocked him right in the face and pushed him to the ground and when I was held back off him I told everyone I was good, then the second hands were off me I ran up and kicked him in the ribs. Idk man I feel pretty shitty for not being able to control myself against a drunk asshole. He was being rude and shitty all night and throwing punches and kicks at people and everyone was able to mostly ignore him but me. Worst he got was a few threats saying they were about to beat his ass if he didn't shut the fuck up, but I was the only one who couldn't keep my patience and physically hit the guy. WHY CANT WE JUST BE SOBER
Additionally, they scheduled me to open tomorrow