>many work update requests >not much been going on >schedule for this month come out on a Thursday >everybody off first weekend >scheduled for 4 Saturday's after that >Talk to Brad on Friday >lol you're a funny dude >tell him I'm not available Sat >last thing I say to him last week
>come in Monday >Brad emailed the work schedule >Brad off Friday and Sat >Jobe on Sat >ready to quit Tues >go home without seeing Brad >talk to the wife about it >see Brad Wednesday >ready to quit >think better of it >don't say shit >just give angry Jobe faces
>Getting ready to leave today >Brads last day this week >Larry walks in >"Hey Jobe" >nope you get a Jobe face >Brad walks in. >is talking to Larry >looks over and gives me a nod >you also get a Jobe face you fuck >"oh boy, what now" reaction on Brads face >about to do this >idiot truck driver comes in >don't know his name let's call him Gary >he talking to Larry and Brad >Brad looks over at me >"It's time for me to put in my 2 weeks" >"Ah great" >Larry still talking to idiot truck driver Gary >Brad gets Larry's attention >Tell Larry we both value my time very differently >put in my 2 weeks notice >look of shock on Larry's face >tell him thanks for the opportunity, shake his hand >walk out like bawse club
>10-15 minutes later >phone rings >it's Brad >ignore >hour later get 2 texts from Brad >not gonna respond >Good luck enjoying that weekend off now you dick >way better than doing it on Tuesday
>not much been going on
>schedule for this month come out on a Thursday
>everybody off first weekend
>scheduled for 4 Saturday's after that
>Talk to Brad on Friday
>lol you're a funny dude
>tell him I'm not available Sat
>last thing I say to him last week
>come in Monday
>Brad emailed the work schedule
>Brad off Friday and Sat
>Jobe on Sat
>ready to quit Tues
>go home without seeing Brad
>talk to the wife about it
>see Brad Wednesday
>ready to quit
>think better of it
>don't say shit
>just give angry Jobe faces
>Brads last day this week
>Larry walks in
>"Hey Jobe"
>nope you get a Jobe face
>Brad walks in.
>is talking to Larry
>looks over and gives me a nod
>you also get a Jobe face you fuck
>"oh boy, what now" reaction on Brads face
>about to do this
>idiot truck driver comes in
>don't know his name let's call him Gary
>he talking to Larry and Brad
>Brad looks over at me
>"It's time for me to put in my 2 weeks"
>"Ah great"
>Larry still talking to idiot truck driver Gary
>Brad gets Larry's attention
>Tell Larry we both value my time very differently
>put in my 2 weeks notice
>look of shock on Larry's face
>tell him thanks for the opportunity, shake his hand
>walk out like bawse club
>10-15 minutes later
>phone rings
>it's Brad
>hour later get 2 texts from Brad
>not gonna respond
>Good luck enjoying that weekend off now you dick
>way better than doing it on Tuesday