Just after a while I didn't like the way I felt on it. It was really just alot of factors coming together. I quit drinking, smoking weed and smoking cigarette for about three months at the beginning of last year. I was depressed hard as fuck and the only reason I started any of that stuff was because of an emotional thing and all of it became an emotional crutch. I didn't like that at all. Unfortunately I picked everything back up. But thankfully not to an extreme. I used to drink myself stupid at least 4 times a week. Now I only drink at most 3 times a month and it usually doesn't get to bad. Smoking cigarettes has been one hell of a thing to overcome but I'm trying. At the beginning of this year I was smoking two packs a day (disgusting I know). At this point I've cut down to half a pack a day so I'm confident that with some more hard work I'll be able to quit the habit completely. Idk why I never picked back up with the weed. My group used to just go out and do Shit and run around having fun and doing dumb Shit. Now almost everyone just sits around and gets high, which I'm fine with, but it kind of sucks we don't go out and do shit anymore. I think Thats maybe just what it was. I'm not opposed to smoking again and I might one day, but for now and this last full year, I have no desire to.
I don't really have a problem with that. Ambition is a tough thing to maintain when you're rich like he is. He has a point in that a lot of bands in their position are content to ride off into the sunset playing old hits the rest of their lives
Just after a while I didn't like the way I felt on it. It was really just alot of factors coming together. I quit drinking, smoking weed and smoking cigarette for about three months at the beginning of last year. I was depressed hard as fuck and the only reason I started any of that stuff was because of an emotional thing and all of it became an emotional crutch. I didn't like that at all. Unfortunately I picked everything back up. But thankfully not to an extreme. I used to drink myself stupid at least 4 times a week. Now I only drink at most 3 times a month and it usually doesn't get to bad. Smoking cigarettes has been one hell of a thing to overcome but I'm trying. At the beginning of this year I was smoking two packs a day (disgusting I know). At this point I've cut down to half a pack a day so I'm confident that with some more hard work I'll be able to quit the habit completely. Idk why I never picked back up with the weed. My group used to just go out and do Shit and run around having fun and doing dumb Shit. Now almost everyone just sits around and gets high, which I'm fine with, but it kind of sucks we don't go out and do shit anymore. I think Thats maybe just what it was. I'm not opposed to smoking again and I might one day, but for now and this last full year, I have no desire to.
Even b4 my k2 meltdown I was like you not liking the way it made me feel anymore.
only reason I say Aids is I saw someone on fb say that but I though we had aids under control....don't really hear to much from people dying from that these days
My uncle passed away this morning, and i found out an old friend of mine is in a coma and that she's not expected to wake up from it. I just want today to end already.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
peal back herz hood
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)