Isn't that right next to Littleton? I could have swore when I hopped the train to downtown I went by consecutive signs saying those places and I was like not living on this side of town ever
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Isn't that right next to Littleton? I could have swore when I hopped the train to downtown I went by consecutive signs saying those places and I was like not living on this side of town ever
Yeah. South Littleton and North Aurora connect. Its a shithole. I lived in North Littleton right on the border of Lakewood and that was a nice area.
This douche from work thinks he's the shit and he's the worst part timer we have. So he comes out into the market without his hat on so I tell him to start wearing it out. So when I leave he says no shut captain obvious. If it was so obvious why was your midget ass out here without it.
Two of the most well know mass shootings in one area
I just went through Aurora the other day while on my way to the airport and all I could think about was how much I didn't wanna stop and go to the movies there.
Rogue One is sold out everywhere so I just walked into Why Him? I like James Franco and Bryan Cranston but I feel like this is going to suck. Good thing my ticket was free.
Rogue One is sold out everywhere so I just walked into Why Him? I like James Franco and Bryan Cranston but I feel like this is going to suck. Good thing my ticket was free.
everyone saw u go in prolyblike o shit an isis terrorist fukk
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
This douche from work thinks he's the shit and he's the worst part timer we have. So he comes out into the market without his hat on so I tell him to start wearing it out. So when I leave he says no shut captain obvious. If it was so obvious why was your midget ass out here without it.
Oh so you're that guy. The workplace faggot. Good to know.
Actually not bad. Laughed more than I thought I would. It's pretty stock by comedy standards and relies on alot of gross outs, but it was entertaining.
Melody's Echo Chamber seems to have fallen off the face of the earth. Her social media accounts haven't been maintained since June. I was just reading that Kevin Parker shelved her last album after their breakup. Kinda sucks
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)