thats unfortunate that you turned away from cannabis because of that synthetic crap. k2 is a ridiculously bad time. anti-pot folks love to try to connect the real thing to that fake shit because it is indeed terrible but its absolutely nothing like real cannabis.
however in regard to your job, youre right that they take weed extremely seriously. its very sad to me that someone could be a raging alcoholic and come up "clean" but another person could smoke <30 days prior to testing and get the boot.
its encouraging to see someone who voted trump being open to cannabis though. I know a lot of baby boomers who support him are actually fine with legalization (minus 99% of the doctors, cops, pharmaceutical bosses, and ACI officers). its the old folks who by and large fear it like the devil.
congratulations gary. you gained 1 point in my book today. youve earned a "merry christmas" instead of a godless "happy holidays" from me.
thats unfortunate that you turned away from cannabis because of that synthetic crap. k2 is a ridiculously bad time. anti-pot folks love to try to connect the real thing to that fake shit because it is indeed terrible but its absolutely nothing like real cannabis.
however in regard to your job, youre right that they take weed extremely seriously. its very sad to me that someone could be a raging alcoholic and come up "clean" but another person could smoke <30 days prior to testing and get the boot.
its encouraging to see someone who voted trump being open to cannabis though. I know a lot of baby boomers who support him are actually fine with legalization (minus 99% of the doctors, cops, pharmaceutical bosses, and ACI officers). its the old folks who by and large fear it like the devil.
congratulations gary. you gained 1 point in my book today. youve earned a "merry christmas" instead of a godless "happy holidays" from me.
Its ridiculous that it's not 100% legal across the board yet. Its a plant for fucks sake. I mean I haven't smoked in a little over a year now but that was all I did for like 3 years of my life and the only harm I ever wanted to do to while I was high was harm to the munchies I left in the fridge.
Hell I was growing the shit and I had the best hook-up...I use to deliver all sorts of annuals and perennials on my previous job. I would trade with "my guy". Needless to say he had the best looking lawn in the county. He would give me the bag and say take what you want...I'd snap an ounce at a time. Didn't cost me anything and he was good with it because 1 plant cost about 30-40 bucks in the store. It was a good deal.
My son who lives in the basement "the college kid" is always puffing with his girlfriend. That's where I was gonna get a bong hit tonight from. I'm not a hypocrite. As long as he stays in college and passes and works his part time job he can do what he wants. I let him and his girlfriend live there for free. He's 22 btw but I don't charge him. Parents have to help the kids today if they want them to succeed in life.
Its ridiculous that it's not 100% legal across the board yet. Its a plant for fucks sake. I mean I haven't smoked in a little over a year now but that was all I did for like 3 years of my life and the only harm I ever wanted to do to while I was high was harm to the munchies I left in the fridge.
fuck dude..I use to make a stack of sandwiches..Peanut butter and jelly ftw. I would make like 4 of them
My only problem with them since we're discussing weed is whenever they go out to smoke it (no smoking in the house) is they leave the cellar doors unlocked when they come back in and that pisses my wife off because she's nervous of thieves and shit like that. And they're fucking pigs. Always gotta tell them to clean their shit up..Like for instance right now as I'm typing this he's in the kitchen making a sandwich. I guarantee there is a mess in there when he leaves..Bread crumbs etc...fucking pig
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
however in regard to your job, youre right that they take weed extremely seriously. its very sad to me that someone could be a raging alcoholic and come up "clean" but another person could smoke <30 days prior to testing and get the boot.
its encouraging to see someone who voted trump being open to cannabis though. I know a lot of baby boomers who support him are actually fine with legalization (minus 99% of the doctors, cops, pharmaceutical bosses, and ACI officers). its the old folks who by and large fear it like the devil.
congratulations gary. you gained 1 point in my book today. youve earned a "merry christmas" instead of a godless "happy holidays" from me.
dont post to him
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)