Fuck that. She wanna swing like a man she gon get swung on like a man. Bitches feel so protected by the "don't hit girls" bullshit that they feel free to do as they please wit no repercussions.
My friend got drunk as fuck at a party once and started hitting on this lesbian, then her butch girlfriend sees it and starts swinging on him so he dropped that bitch so fast and didn't even realize it was a girl until after she got up. My friend gets so mad every time I bring it up now ) )
Iv been thinking abot picking up a guitar myself. Ill probably go acoustic just to learn. Mostly because t wpuld be the cheaper option if i dont end up liking it. Im just looking for new ways to release some creativity.
dude rex youre so off base Asians used women as ninja assassins in anciant times
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Fuck that. She wanna swing like a man she gon get swung on like a man. Bitches feel so protected by the "don't hit girls" bullshit that they feel free to do as they please wit no repercussions.
Go get a PRS
He got it for 250 on craigslist. I don't know shit about guitars but it looks cool as fuck.
It's been almost a year since I've been up there.