it went from basically spring jacket weather to a deep freezer in the matter of a week here this year so i haven't grown accustom to it yet.
Still though i can handle anything close to single digits with mostly just a hoodie. Its when it gets down to the negative where it really starts to become a pain in the ass.
Years ago I went snowboardin in Colorado. We hit up monarch. It was 4 degrees at base -4 at peak with 30mph wind gusts and heavy snow. Couldn't see 30 feet in front of me most of the day. My uncle and I pretty much had the mountain to ourselves. Everyone was too chickenshit to ride in the conditions. One of the best days I have ever had.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Yeah I'm used to it after living in Chicago. We get excited when its 30 degrees in the winter because Thats good for winter time lol it's been on the negatives all week. Last night the high was -2.
I should invite Jay into the nudes for pizza group on facebook. He'd prob be every girl's sugar daddy in there. Jag prob already dropped a stack in two days
damn a redhead GIRL was arrested for plotting a school shooting. could you fucking imagine hearing that on the news? what a time to be alive. you can be anything as long as you believe in yourself.
Still though i can handle anything close to single digits with mostly just a hoodie. Its when it gets down to the negative where it really starts to become a pain in the ass.
If the rest of winter is this cold im finna km
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)