Shit didn't sound happy where you are at. Glad you're taking steps to change it. Life is like chess not checkers, you gotta plan ahead. Stay on point and life will be much better in 6 months.
it's really not and it just hasn't been good for my mental health. I kept holding out hope that it was going to change but I've been coming to the realization that some people just don't change no matter how bad I wish they would. And if they can't make a change, then I will. I'm also being smart about the apartment game and found a place to where it's easier if we have a third person but can be affordable with two people because I know my other friend wants to leave really bad but I know he's been back and forth on it for a while. That way if he bails me and my other buddy aren't relient on him for rent or living. I absolutely hated the Detail Shop gig I had but I'm sucking it up and taking it back because after I left for my new job they started throwing a little more money at me to come back. My new job is awesome. I love the people and the atmosphere and I'm really happy at it but the pay is just okay and not amazing and if what I want to do is going to become a reality I need to suck it up and take take the old job back. Feels good to finally be movingn forward though so I'm just going to ride that high and remember it's for something way better when it gets me down.
As long as your working towards some specific goals, going back won't be as bad. Reaching those long term goals is a very rewarding feeling, especially when they are "quality of life" goals.
Not going to the titty bar sucks in the short term but getting to the point where you can have a stripper pole in your living room if you want is fucking awesome.
As long as your working towards some specific goals, going back won't be as bad. Reaching those long term goals is a very rewarding feeling, especially when they are "quality of life" goals.
Not going to the titty bar sucks in the short term but getting to the point where you can have a stripper pole in your living room if you want is fucking awesome.
I feel the same way man. For the longer term it's just better. And yeah no strip clubs sucks but I had no self control when I went in there because I'm lonely and there was naked hot chicks there. I would drop $200 six different hot chicks would drop their panties it was sweet. But ultimately Thats an expense I don't need right now if I want to achieve this so yeah the mature call was made. My dick is pretty sad (poor little guy) but my wallet is happy so it works. And the Hub is still free so I'll make it work for now.
I don't even wear jackets. I just do hoodies with a sweater underneath. I fell for one of those jackets that had a tag line similar to "Cold resistent. Stay warm even in the winter!" and I bought it for $100 bucks and froze my ass off even in not bad Chicago whether. It was only like 35 degrees and I was dying. Ever since then I've decided fuck jackets and I'm just going to bundle up lol
The cold Is good for your body. i just wear a Michigan zip up that is about the sameness protection as a hoodie. T shirt underneath and I'm good to go.
Not going to the titty bar sucks in the short term but getting to the point where you can have a stripper pole in your living room if you want is fucking awesome.
Since no one else said it, allow me...
Fuck you Mall Goth.
Also Happy Birthday.