The most tragic loss I've ever experienced was a 2 year old cousin that died of Lieukemia. Her dad is my favorite uncle and I was a pallbearer at her funeral. My aunt pulled her body out of the casket and rocked her during the viewing. I had to clear the room and counsel her so she would put her back because everybody freaked out. I've always been really strong about stuff like that and good to talk to. I'm really glad she died before social media because it would be hard to deal with having to relive all that shit every year
Only non older family member or friend i know thats died was an ex from freshman year of high school. We were friends since elementary school and only dated for like a month or two.
A few years back her boyfriend choked her to death because they'd been dating like 2 months and she wouldnt marry him. Every time her facebook profile pops up i get sick to my stomach
One of my good friends died about two weeks ago. They found him slumped over all black and blue with a syringe in his leg. I was hanging out with this dude like everyday before it happened. He even told me what he was getting into later that night and all I told him was 'be careful.' He was about to serve a 6 month sentence in a state penitentiary and I knew he was really shook up about it which kinda makes me think it could have been on purpose. Its pretty scary when someone younger than you dies.
The most tragic loss I've ever experienced was a 2 year old cousin that died of Lieukemia. Her dad is my favorite uncle and I was a pallbearer at her funeral. My aunt pulled her body out of the casket and rocked her during the viewing. I had to clear the room and counsel her so she would put her back because everybody freaked out. I've always been really strong about stuff like that and good to talk to. I'm really glad she died before social media because it would be hard to deal with having to relive all that shit every year
Somethin that bothered me was someone went and visited him last night and posted a picture of him on FB wit all the tubes stuck in him on life support. I know he meant well but that shit's wrong imo. Only ones that should see him like that are family and friends that physically visit him. Some shit don't need to be on the internet. If that was me, it goes one of two ways. I die and the last picture the world has of me is me on my death bed lookin terrible and leavin a bad memory, or I live and I'm mad as fuck at whoever posted that for the world to see.
On of my friends died a couple years ago when he got hit by a car crossing the street. There is a real life shrine on the side of the road that has a sign and flowers at the spot he died. I pass it everyday. It always has something there.
Idk if y'all remember but I posted about one of my buddies committing suicide last year. it's rough man. it's always crazy when someone your age or younger dies. I know we aint immortal but it really makes us really realize our own mortality when it hits that close to home.
That's one of the biggest reasons I yell at some of you cunts to get your shit together and stop sitting around in your own head, wasting time and/or feeling sorry for yourselves. Our time is too limited.
Vomit, sweater, spaghetti, etc.
My friends son also just passed away from injuries sustained in a drunk driving accident. He was still in high school.
Some shit don't need to be on the internet. If that was me, it goes one of two ways. I die and the last picture the world has of me is me on my death bed lookin terrible and leavin a bad memory, or I live and I'm mad as fuck at whoever posted that for the world to see.
Nah Popsicle you got it all wrong bro... The last picture you want the world to see of you is you on your death bed wit dat neck tatt
Finally got my ass moving on some things. Started watching what I eat again after a small gap and I've been losing weight again. Down a pretty significant amount after this last year and couple months of being hardcore on it. Stopped going to strip clubs and no more weekly bar trips because I really want to get this car and get moving and finally FINALLY started taking steps towards moving out. Sick and damn tired of living here and being a miserable mess because of my parents so I talked to some of my guys and they're lease is expiring in March. One of them doesn't want to renew so he is leaving and another one of my buddies is leaving his place as well so the three of us are going to get a place. Car. Weight. Home. These three are in my sight hardcore right now and I don't plan on letting anything stop me.
Shit didn't sound happy where you are at. Glad you're taking steps to change it. Life is like chess not checkers, you gotta plan ahead. Stay on point and life will be much better in 6 months.
A few years back her boyfriend choked her to death because they'd been dating like 2 months and she wouldnt marry him. Every time her facebook profile pops up i get sick to my stomach
Somethin that bothered me was someone went and visited him last night and posted a picture of him on FB wit all the tubes stuck in him on life support. I know he meant well but that shit's wrong imo. Only ones that should see him like that are family and friends that physically visit him. Some shit don't need to be on the internet. If that was me, it goes one of two ways. I die and the last picture the world has of me is me on my death bed lookin terrible and leavin a bad memory, or I live and I'm mad as fuck at whoever posted that for the world to see.
Vomit, sweater, spaghetti, etc.
My friends son also just passed away from injuries sustained in a drunk driving accident. He was still in high school.
Nah Popsicle you got it all wrong bro...
The last picture you want the world to see of you is you on your death bed wit dat neck tatt
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Finna kill myself.