Any of the OG's that would actually remember this shit, I need help.
What was that fuckin Faygo YouTube video that was constantly posted on here that became a running meme and was the funniest shit ever for the longest time in the early days of the board. I remember specifically during one of the Stickam parties I showed it to either Mike or Chuck for the first time and they were absolutely losin their shit on camera while watchin it lmfao.
Any of the OG's that would actually remember this shit, I need help.
What was that fuckin Faygo YouTube video that was constantly posted on here that became a running meme and was the funniest shit ever for the longest time in the early days of the board. I remember specifically during one of the Stickam parties I showed it to either Mike or Chuck for the first time and they were absolutely losin their shit on camera while watchin it lmfao.
The one where that lady sings about faygo? Can't find that vid
So some cops from East Liverpool, Ohio (about 20 or so min from me) posted a picture recently of two people OD'd on heroin with a 4 year old in the backseat. It quickly went viral and became a news story everywhere, including memes. Some of which have made me this one
They both lived. He was supposedly driving her to the hospital when someone reported the horrible driving. The cops tried to pull him over and he zonked out.
What's insane is bs like that is so common around here to me stories like that one are normal, when they really shouldn't be. Every time I take Ravyn out for any reason I'm always worried some fucking asses like that are going to be a problem when I drive. Fucking sucks
I wouldn't say it's specifically a problem there. That's just proportional. Cincy has over 1 mil more people than Toledo but I can still go anywhere and some good ol horse.
What was that fuckin Faygo YouTube video that was constantly posted on here that became a running meme and was the funniest shit ever for the longest time in the early days of the board. I remember specifically during one of the Stickam parties I showed it to either Mike or Chuck for the first time and they were absolutely losin their shit on camera while watchin it lmfao.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Can't find that vid
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)