Saw a homeless couple asking for money on a street corner. I dont have cash, but there's a McDonalds right there, I can at least get them some food. Order two cheeseburgers. Come out, they're gone. And now I have two extra cheeseburgers.
Oh well
They dont want cheeseburgers. They want money for drugs.
So my mom and step dad were communicating with the bondswoman and it came out to using her car as collateral +$5,000. The woman goes to pick my step sister up and and while she's doing that, my step dad is trying to western union the money to her. Well the money got sent back because western union thought it was fraudulent. In the mean time this bonds woman from middle of nowhere Florida is going to pick up my step sister and come back and rage. This all happened back around 4 though, I'm about to call my mom when I clock out
Its hard to explain. She's my cousin's ex. I mostly know her through fb because she lives in Tuscaloosa. Shes smart and funny, so we hit it off kinda easily. She's politically motivated and asks me for advice. She's too young and clearly out of my league, but she's pretty close to the perfect woman afaic. I'm surprised a girl like her will even talk to me lol
Dobermans are the best. I spend about half my day with just about every breed of dog and I wouldnt even condsider getting any other breed. The dobermans you've seen might have been beat up or something cuz the kennel I work at is in a pretty nice part of town and the dobes I work with are beautiful dogs. Some of the dogs at this place are expensive as shit. Their owners can afford to send them here every monday through friday for most of the day while they're at work so you know they prolly spend retarded amounts of money on their pets.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Its hard to explain. She's my cousin's ex. I mostly know her through fb because she lives in Tuscaloosa. Shes smart and funny, so we hit it off kinda easily. She's politically motivated and asks me for advice. She's too young and clearly out of my league, but she's pretty close to the perfect woman afaic. I'm surprised a girl like her will even talk to me lol
i like putbulls they are good dogs. I just think that ear shit makes them look horrible.