We're not allowed to have our phones in the back so I couldnt get any pics of the dogs I work with but if you saw a real purebred doberman you wouldnt think they're ugly at all. They cost at least $1500 plus which most people arent willing to pay so they go to backyard breeders and get em for the cheap.
Getting destroyed at work. It was one of our best part timers last day today and he fucked us and didn't come in. Then we got two new people there, lambs to the slaughter pretty much lol.
Dude Iv been right next to pure bred dobermans a bunch of times. A guy I play disc golf with has one. They look good ifntheybhave their ears but when you crop their ears they look like shit.
I see plenty of Australian spehpherds where I work and most of em are cool but theres nothing special about them. I like the huge breeds like mastiffs and st bernards but I would never get one. So many health issues and a much shorter life expectacny. If I couldnt get a dobe, my second choice would probably be a rottweiler but I dont see myself settling for anything else.
My girlfriend says if we are ever in CA we're breaking our vegetarianism temporarily so i can try it )
If you're ever in Nor Cal you need to try and find a way to check out Amy's Drive Thru in Rohnert Park. It's like 1 hour north of SF. All vegetarian/vegan/organic drive through fast food. Their burgers satiate my need for In-N-Out. http://www.amysdrivethru.com
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I see plenty of Australian spehpherds where I work and most of em are cool but theres nothing special about them. I like the huge breeds like mastiffs and st bernards but I would never get one. So many health issues and a much shorter life expectacny. If I couldnt get a dobe, my second choice would probably be a rottweiler but I dont see myself settling for anything else.
This bitch can go die. In-N-Out is a goddamn American treasure and I have days where it makes me sad that I can't have it.
Exxxotica is the same weekend in the same convention center as Anime Central this year.
Anime nerds and porn stars sharing the same space at the same time
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Im considering making a Doomguy cosplay