Watched that earlier. I think it's awesome that Blythe is hella into Deafheaven. Makes me happy for them. I never thought they'd get that kind of co-sign
My mom shouldn't have technology like a smartphone or a tablet. Because every one she's had gets fucked up. I gave her my S5 just after xmas once I managed to transfer everything. Now youtube doesn't work (say there's no internet connection) same with google play. Idk what else doesn't work. And I'm not doing another factory reset on a device because it ends up being a waste of time.
Im seeing the haunted this wednesday for the first time ever. the lineup may be pretty shattered but Im extremely excited. anyone whos been on here since 2008 knows this is a life event for me )
That time I saw The Haunted by accident in 09 because I went to see The Agonist and The Haunted and Nile combined dates in Detroit and I missed them because they went on retardedly early.
I used to throw that at you lol I barely remember their set. I just remember the venue looked like a rundown crackhouse at the time. First time I got a picture with Alissa doe and I didn't hover hands.
that was the last time they were in america. pete and a couple others apparently got back into drugs hard and the complete trainwreck known as unseen was born.
The shittiest part about all of that is that my family is Mexican. When I was a kid my parents used to say my birthday party was at 4 so everybody would show up when it actually started at 6. My grandparents drove is to that show and for the first time we had made it to a show not only on time, but early! So early that we stopped at a bar so they could grab a drink before dropping my dad and I off. And that is how I missed The Agonist.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)