Wanna download TLOP but there's only one link I can find and that's clearly a copyright notice waiting to happen. Plus the way Kanye has acted the past two days hell probably Jay and Silent Bob his way to my fucking door.
I used to blindly follow Ye and believe he could do no wrong. It was like being a fan of Floyd Mayweather, everything he did that made everybody hate him only made me love the guy more. Except Kanye isn't a trained fighter that is also a woman beating piece of shit, so following him didn't then make me a literal piece of shit. But this past week he has flown so far off the rails I kind of want to distance myself from that.
Is this what it felt like in Jonestown when Jim was frantically telling everybody to drink the Kool-Aid?
See dude he said that yesterday. Today he changed his mind and said he will never sell the album and the only way to hear it is tidal. I'd rather burn my money.
I seriously have no idea why anyone still follows that asshole. You used to be able to count on oversaturation to dispose of annoying celebrities. This nigga hasn't put out any good music in 10 years. He's been slayed by Aziz Ansari and South Park. Nothing works with this dipshit. I get to read about him on, of all places, a metal forum. The guys like a fucking cockroach
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
>has a 12 hour work day in text
Boris is too heavy for my winamp
Jk. But that's cool.
Smoothez teh tipz
Is this what it felt like in Jonestown when Jim was frantically telling everybody to drink the Kool-Aid?
"I’m this generation's Disney… I want to bring dope shit to the world..."
What a fucking tool