Yeah. My gripe is coming from a different issue i think.
This friend im talking about completely changes when they meet someone new. They adopt all their significant others interests and hobbies all the way down to the type of music they listen to and the concerts they go to.
Back in november i asked my buddy if they wanted to go to a sublime show. The response was " its just a hassle going to shows during the week with work"
last tuesday i got this text
'got two extra tickets to Breaking Benjamin tonight if you want to go, 30$ a piece'
my response "nah"
i would have probably went just to hang out if it wasn't for them being a hypocrite.
>text friend what are they doing this weekend
> get response "its valentines weekend, im busy the whole time"
mother fucker valentines is a DAY not a weekend. Who do these hoes think they are.
I just think its gay af that i hit someone up who i haven't chilled with in a while and their entire weekend is full because of valentines day.
This friend im talking about completely changes when they meet someone new. They adopt all their significant others interests and hobbies all the way down to the type of music they listen to and the concerts they go to.
its fucking gay.
Back in november i asked my buddy if they wanted to go to a sublime show. The response was " its just a hassle going to shows during the week with work"
last tuesday i got this text
'got two extra tickets to Breaking Benjamin tonight if you want to go, 30$ a piece'
my response "nah"
i would have probably went just to hang out if it wasn't for them being a hypocrite.