thinking about hitting up sabbath in August. You got actual seats? Is it hard to get to Finley from downtown with the train?
I know I want to make a trip down there for a weekend or something. Just not sure where I want to stay and what not. Sabbath is the only show I could get excited enough to go down there currently though so I might just go to chill for the weekend lol.
Its in September lol But no I'll be copping lawn. You can upgrade to seats really cheap once inside the venue if need be. No its not difficult at all. The Metra will take you right to Midlothian where I live and then its a ten minute drive from there. If you come down I can pick you up once the train drops you and get you to Sabbath no problem. Be cool if you came down. Me, you and MC can drink.
Lawn is only like $15 and I'm going with a group of like 9 people. All their bitch asses will slack on seats so fuck it, lawn. Its super easy to hop the barrier to seats if we want anyway lol
Hes also already down 394 to 42 in the overall delegate count lol
The electoral college has already decided on the victor.