I'd have to agree with mc mostly on that one. The majority of stippers Iv met are really trashy. I live 2-3 blocks from a strip club. Iv never been there but it so happens that the same time I get home from work and walk my dog happens to be right around shift change every day. At least twice a week I run into a stripper heading into or leaving work. They always want to stop and pet my pup. I'm glad I haven't went in the club cause they have all been pretty disgusting. I think there is like one hot chick that works there and Iv only seen photos of her lol. But the strip clubs here are poverty. Down south I'm sure it's different.
That one just sounds shitty. Polekatz is some high class shit. Every chick there is awesome looking. I've seen maybe one or two that were meh but most of them are cool. One might be going to Slayer with us in a couple weeks lol
I feel ya. There's so much shit I'd rather focus attention on than working. its a balancing act though. You just have to be able to devout some time to it whenever you can. Even if you don't accomplish that much in one day, it will add up and you'll be working towards that goal. I hadn't written any songs in forever and I finally sat down last night for the first time in months and worked on some shit. Felt great.
Hadn't had to pay rent for the first 2 months because we were still living with those people and he yelled at me for it even though he told me not to worry. Anyway I go and tell him that his dog chewed up his turtle beaches after we left last night and he was sitting right next to them after us. But it's my fault. So I bought him a new pair and had them over nighted. Went and got him rent money. And I cleaned the whole house. He doesn't know about the headphones.
proceed to slob on my cock