anxiety and depression suck to deal with. trazodone and marijuana are all thats helped me. alcohol makes a difference but its not a good solution. Ive got a few cannabis strains I stick with.
FF that dude's pic you liked on Metal Alliance is that crazy anti-Jew muslim kid I've talked about )
You liked a post on Metalhead Alliance's Facebook of a pic of a kid trying to win Slayer tix. That kid is the kid who goes to my school who follows seedline theory and hates jews.
whats keeping you from trying marijuana, everything on this forum aside?
There's a lot of reasons.
Prominently: Its illegal. I dont want to become dependant on it - same reason I dont take prescription meds long term. My family wouldnt approve, and thats a convo I dont want to have with them. Its expensive. I want to keep my vices to a minimum, and I already drink. It just doesnt really interest me.
Also, I already eat and play video games too much. The last thing I need is weed entering the equation.
whats keeping you from trying marijuana, everything on this forum aside?
There's a lot of reasons.
I dont want to become dependant on it - same reason I dont take prescription meds long term.
Its expensive
Iwant to keep my vices to a minimum, and I already drink.
1. Comparing it to prescription drugs kill your fucking self
2. Wrong. It sounds expensive. I could easily spend the same amount of money I spend on weed for a month on one night at the bar.
Its not not a vice you faggot. I smoke every day and have for years. But if there is a time and place I can't have it in totally ok with that. It's not something I feel I need to have.
Ypur our opinions are misguided when it comes to the Mary Jane.
Its illegal.
I dont want to become dependant on it - same reason I dont take prescription meds long term.
My family wouldnt approve, and thats a convo I dont want to have with them.
Its expensive.
I want to keep my vices to a minimum, and I already drink.
It just doesnt really interest me.
Also, I already eat and play video games too much. The last thing I need is weed entering the equation.
>no mj
ky. and gtfo with the illegal shit. safer than any dr prescribed meds.
2. Wrong. It sounds expensive. I could easily spend the same amount of money I spend on weed for a month on one night at the bar.
Its not not a vice you faggot. I smoke every day and have for years. But if there is a time and place I can't have it in totally ok with that. It's not something I feel I need to have.
Ypur our opinions are misguided when it comes to the Mary Jane.