whats keeping you from trying marijuana, everything on this forum aside?
There's a lot of reasons.
Prominently: Its illegal. I dont want to become dependant on it - same reason I dont take prescription meds long term. My family wouldnt approve, and thats a convo I dont want to have with them. Its expensive. I want to keep my vices to a minimum, and I already drink. It just doesnt really interest me.
Also, I already eat and play video games too much. The last thing I need is weed entering the equation.
Well, obviously not going to force you to do it. I don't smoke that much either but if you're still meeting me up for Sabbath here my friends and I always come loaded with weed to concerts and they don't mind sharing. We're not going to get caught or anything because its a show lol so if you did just want to take a hit or whatever or just try and see if you like/dislike it, feel free. We don't mind sharing.
whats keeping you from trying marijuana, everything on this forum aside?
There's a lot of reasons.
Prominently: Its illegal. I dont want to become dependant on it - same reason I dont take prescription meds long term. My family wouldnt approve, and thats a convo I dont want to have with them. Its expensive. I want to keep my vices to a minimum, and I already drink. It just doesnt really interest me.
Also, I already eat and play video games too much. The last thing I need is weed entering the equation.
Well, obviously not going to force you to do it. I don't smoke that much either but if you're still meeting me up for Sabbath here my friends and I always come loaded with weed to concerts and they don't mind sharing. We're not going to get caught or anything because its a show lol so if you did just want to take a hit or whatever or just try and see if you like/dislike it, feel free. We don't mind sharing.
Straight people don't know, what you're about They put you down and shut you out you gave to me a new belief and soon the world will love you sweet leaf
sniffed it and got a huge nostalgic throwback
i rarely rely stay the whole day on Fridays
to to be fair I'm used to playing on 10 minutes.
The shot timing is also different online opposed to offline.
Im taking that W next time. I should play online the whole time you're working 11-11 to get some games in.