So my dad got random tested from his work today. he heated up the synthetic urine at his work and taped it to his leg. He said when he got to the drug place he was walking towards the room and it fell out of his leg and onto the floor )
luckily no one saw it and he got it in his sock before anyone did )
My counties schools are going to make Narcan available for possible heroin OD cases. Which I think is worth it if it's ever needed because the number one drug you can get your hands on around here is heroin. And more people do that than smoke weed these days.
But fucking idiots actually believe this will just encourage them to do heroin. The only think encouraging them to do such a thing are the people they know as well as their environment. A drug to save a life isn't going to do that. And a heroin addict doesn't give a shit if that drug is available to bring them back from an OD or not. The biggest problem in this area is there essentially is no proper rehabilitation centers for such addicts. And if someone tries to get one built the community has an extreme case of, "not in my backyard" syndrome and will fight to prevent any from being built. Yet the same people whine about all the addicts that are around.
I think it's time to curb out the herd a little. Fucking idiots
I found out that apparently while she was sick, she took her own life last night.....
I know no one here will care, but i honestly don't know what to think right now. This is the third friend I've known that this has happened too, and I'm fucking sick of it. I know everyone on here jokes around and throws kys around, I'm guilty of it too. But situations like these make me despise the human race. I just can't comprehend how people how or why people treat people like that, especially when it's your own goddamn family.
Again, i know no one will care, and Im sure you'll probably make jokes about it. But despite any bs on here, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Idk.
I found out that apparently while she was sick, she took her own life last night.....
I know no one here will care, but i honestly don't know what to think right now. This is the third friend I've known that this has happened too, and I'm fucking sick of it. I know everyone on here jokes around and throws kys around, I'm guilty of it too. But situations like these make me despise the human race. I just can't comprehend how people how or why people treat people like that, especially when it's your own goddamn family.
Again, i know no one will care, and Im sure you'll probably make jokes about it. But despite any bs on here, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Idk.
Don't worry ull see her in hell
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
luckily no one saw it and he got it in his sock before anyone did
But fucking idiots actually believe this will just encourage them to do heroin. The only think encouraging them to do such a thing are the people they know as well as their environment. A drug to save a life isn't going to do that. And a heroin addict doesn't give a shit if that drug is available to bring them back from an OD or not. The biggest problem in this area is there essentially is no proper rehabilitation centers for such addicts. And if someone tries to get one built the community has an extreme case of, "not in my backyard" syndrome and will fight to prevent any from being built. Yet the same people whine about all the addicts that are around.
I think it's time to curb out the herd a little. Fucking idiots
according to your story
I know no one here will care, but i honestly don't know what to think right now. This is the third friend I've known that this has happened too, and I'm fucking sick of it. I know everyone on here jokes around and throws kys around, I'm guilty of it too. But situations like these make me despise the human race. I just can't comprehend how people how or why people treat people like that, especially when it's your own goddamn family.
Again, i know no one will care, and Im sure you'll probably make jokes about it. But despite any bs on here, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Idk.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)