The reason there are other people on stage is because he brings people up to "skank" during this particular song live. It's only a couple minutes, but yeah.
I was wondering when Erik was gonna act like a hardass
I'm the hard ass but who got out of the car and damaged property simply cause he got annoyed and couldn't control himself?
Is Jake the father cause there's a whole lotta dick riding goin on here.
He probably didn't even hit it hard enough to "damage property". People lose their cool over random shit. I have enough times, especially with stupid fucks on the road. I've wanted to run over people going 20 in a 35, but screw the consequences of that. At least he doesn't go around puffin' his chest and saying "if you did that to me I would have jumped outta my car and stole your jaw with these hands"
>bitches at me for years about posting a drum video >says I'm lying/disagrees whenever i buy something drum related >finally posts drum video >probably no one saw it >still disagrees >??? >okay.jpg
I just got back from being out of town all weekend. Fun ass trip needed some time away from home and work. We didn't sleep the first night and basically drank for something like 30 hours. Also, side note. @MetalCrusades
Dude needs to hit a strip club up. We gotta a nice Polekatz over here. I will pay for your nude dance dude. Just pick out a chick. My First time hittin up a strip club and it was a freakin awesome experience.
Is Jake the father cause there's a whole lotta dick riding goin on here.
And no, Grimey is
You fucked the whole got damn forum.
We're also getting married and are adorable psychos together
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
>says I'm lying/disagrees whenever i buy something drum related
>finally posts drum video
>probably no one saw it
>still disagrees
Dude needs to hit a strip club up. We gotta a nice Polekatz over here. I will pay for your nude dance dude. Just pick out a chick. My First time hittin up a strip club and it was a freakin awesome experience.