Heard my manager talking about this kid getting fired today because he was "Snorting lines in the break room after close." No idea if its true or not, but if it is fuck ) like you couldn't wait until you got home?
Although we have had people get canned for all sorts of asinine shit before. Dude crashed a jeep into the main entrance and claimed he was sleepy, dude having his dick out while talking to a customer (claims he didn't know. How the fuck do you not know your dicks hanging out?), and a chick allegedly blowing this dude who also worked there in the bathroom (still never found out if that was 100% true or not, although she did get fired and the dude quit).
Heard my manager talking about this kid getting fired today because he was "Snorting lines in the break room after close." No idea if its true or not, but if it is fuck ) like you couldn't wait until you got home?
If you've ever met someone who does that shit then you know the answer is no.
My buddies girl is cute but I always knew there was something off about her look that made her look weird but could never figure it out. Then she posted this pic
Shes a major pain the ass. Shes super high maintenance and this is a really laid back office. Its just not a fit. Shes supposed to be here to take the work load off us 3 other people but she has just made our job harder.
well more like 230 or 3 or when ever I feel like leaving :!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel bad doe i don't like seeing anyone get fired.
im just naturally empathetic.
But yeah she needed to go.