I really wish my mom would stop tagging me in bs every day. If it's not some online college crap, it some pregnancy group, some self help bs about anger and other crap like ptsd. Fuck outta here
I heard Todd got arrested. Funny how I'm the lowlife but he got arrested before me lmaooo. Im'ma need that mugshot somebody post it.
Oh and btw naw I haven't lurked, I came on maybe 3 times in my absence and put my name in the search box to see if yall were still on my dick and sure enough I'm still the trending topic on here. Glad I affect a bunch of special ed kids lives so much, it's touching.
Truthfully I came in to see if there was an option to delete my account but there wasn't so I decided to check in briefly. Enjoy my presence since yall can't seem to live without me while I'm gone.
Snakes in the grass who posted about all my shit on Facebook and Snapchat so yea I did block all you faggots. Was never mad, was more of a pity for those who's lives revolve around a dead forum and it's dead members.
Yeah..because finding humor in something that pops up in a news feed cuz someone you're friends with commented on a status = "snakes in the grass". It's really no loss though
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Oh and btw naw I haven't lurked, I came on maybe 3 times in my absence and put my name in the search box to see if yall were still on my dick and sure enough I'm still the trending topic on here. Glad I affect a bunch of special ed kids lives so much, it's touching.