It's just that idc. I don't think he can win. Money isn't on his side and that's what wins here. I'm too cynical to even get excited about him. He reminds me of how people felt about Howard Dean headed towards the '04 elections and all it took was him making a stupid sounding "Woo!" after a win. That's it. He was toast after that. The Republican news machine made him into a wingnut in a matter of weeks
That was for Rex but I feel ya. It's hard to get excited cuz of shit like that but what could it possibly hurt to throw the guy a vote lol it's not asking a lot
It's just that idc. I don't think he can win. Money isn't on his side and that's what wins here. I'm too cynical to even get excited about him. He reminds me of how people felt about Howard Dean headed towards the '04 elections and all it took was him making a stupid sounding "Woo!" after a win. That's it. He was toast after that. The Republican news machine made him into a wingnut in a matter of weeks
yeah that might be the dumbest thing in the history of american politics. He cheered funny and they turned that into a negative. And people bought it
Found this guy wandering around the parking lot last night. Didn't recognize him as my neighbors at first. Just glad for his sake and his owners that I found him instead of somebody who saw his big body and pit face and called animal control/police. Especially since they technically aren't allowed here. He ended up staying the night because of a bunch of confusion \m/
It's just that idc. I don't think he can win. Money isn't on his side and that's what wins here. I'm too cynical to even get excited about him. He reminds me of how people felt about Howard Dean headed towards the '04 elections and all it took was him making a stupid sounding "Woo!" after a win. That's it. He was toast after that. The Republican news machine made him into a wingnut in a matter of weeks
forgot about that.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)