W8 so puscifer is already announced for sunday. Was that supposed to be what everyone was waiting for? I see the two tba bands are still there for Saturday
My Senior Manager got arrested during the Lamb of God/Slipknot show ) I go pick up one of my buddies from work and he goes "I'm at Alexs' (Sr. Manager) house." I didn't even know he was going but I picked him up and he had been drinking like the entire day. We stop for beer and shit and tailgate in the lot while Motionless in White is playing. We watched Bullet, then like 4 songs into Lamb of God's set this guy is so drunk he can't even talk ) I asked him if he wanted to lay down on the grass and he nodded. I helped him out, hopped in the pit, and when we came back he was gone. We looked everywhere before Slipknot took stage and couldn't find the fucker. I got a call from him at like 2 in the morning after I got home asking me to come bail him out because he got caught pissing on some ladies car ) so I did and today he goes "Hey, you're getting a Saturday off and coming to see SOAD with me at Riot Fest." He got me a ticket cause I mentioned how I wanted to go. Fucking sweet \m/ I knew bailing his drunk ass out would be worth it.
Ugh dad went back to the hospital last night. The diverticulitis came back. They are going to try and let it heal without having to remove part of his colon. He threw up some blood though so they are putting a camera down his throat to see where the bleeding is coming from.
Thanks. As far as i know its most likely not life threatening, but it could be a pretty serious surgery with a long recovery process. Hopefully he doesn't have to get surgery.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)