Deftones killed. You're just a fag. Our set was even better than the one Jay posted. We got 'Passenger' and 'Knife Prty'. We didn't even stay for Incubus
So when I listen to headphones I try not to ruin my ears and keep the volume at a modest volume. Then I put on gojira and as the song goes on I gradually turn it up till the end of the first song and it's on full blast ) ) ) \m/ \m/
Deftones were ok live when I saw them. Didn't love their set and it was a little too mellowed out. SOAD came in after and blew them out of the water. Still tho 7/10 live 8/10 on cd
Deftones played 'Myintrotoletyouknow' by Outkast mixed in with 'Engine No. 9'. Apparently I was the only one on that knew that It wasn't really that I hate Incubus and that's why we left. I just brought both of my kids and they were falling asleep. It was my 3 year olds first show My girlfriend likes Incubus, but I've seen them like 15 times cuz they used to play every fest that hit the region for years. But it def made it easier to leave after Deftones put it down the way they did. Here was the entire set:
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
>sees whole show
I got a photo pass = have t see every bsnd.
Also, Chino fucking overkilled the random high screams. Got irritated after a few.