Dudes retarded. He goes out and gets hammered and messes with ducking fire hydrants at three in the morning and gets stopped by cops, hasn't stopped smoking, and the reason he's on high risk is because he missed his court date. Just stop smoking for like 3 weeks :-|
no fucks he brought it on himself. He sits here and tells me not to let him smoke and not to smoke in my living room(which I have been smoking in my bedroom) and then comes home piss ass drunk and yells at me until I dab him up.
kill yourself, Brann shits on Haake. Brann can groove like no other, his fills are off the wall fucking bonkers and is smooth as fuck in all types of weird time signatures. Haake just does more double bass and has polyrhythms on lock, but most of that time that shit is in 4.
no fucks he brought it on himself. He sits here and tells me not to let him smoke and not to smoke in my living room(which I have been smoking in my bedroom) and then comes home piss ass drunk and yells at me until I dab him up.
>4 lines
>what is counting
>what is basic math skills