I'm thinking about getting involved in martial arts. Its something I've wanted to do for a while, and quite honestly I need to start working out and getting in shape. Doing something like that might give me drive to continue working out, and be something I enjoy as well.
I'm thinking about getting involved in martial arts. Its something I've wanted to do for a while, and quite honestly I need to start working out and getting in shape. Doing something like that might give me drive to continue working out, and be something I enjoy as well.
That's a good idea.... You'd be excellent in Sumo Wrestling.
Y'all niggaboos can't be supportive if it killed ya.
I was just kidding man. It was just too easy to pass up. Seriously though you should do it. I've thought about getting into it recently too now that I am finishing up my degree. I'm deciding between some sort of martial arts or fencing. Not sure yet...
Y'all niggaboos can't be supportive if it killed ya.
I was just kidding man. It was just too easy to pass up. Seriously though you should do it. I've thought about getting into it recently too now that I am finishing up my degree. I'm deciding between some sort of martial arts or fencing. Not sure yet...
does anybody here have experience, positive or negative, with google play music for your phone? ipod decided to stop living so now Im gonna run everything off my phone till I get a new ipod in may.
its copying my whole library now and its looking like it wont be done till the morning.
Acronym for Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club Redwood Original. That confused the fuck out of me too. They always phrased it like they were talking about a person. Doesn't help that it was spelled SAMCROW on the manuscript either.
I'm thinking about getting involved in martial arts. Its something I've wanted to do for a while, and quite honestly I need to start working out and getting in shape. Doing something like that might give me drive to continue working out, and be something I enjoy as well.
Good for you dude. My fat ass just picked up a gym membership. Going to do this shit right this time. No more excuses. I'm big as fuck and could drop any minute. Maybe our negativity stems from the fact that we treat ourselves like shit and always find an excuse to do less for ourselves. Its always something I've put off and it always annoyed me because I put alot of effort into almost everything else I do. May not solve every problem we have but it will play a good part in being happier. Let's do this shit.
well I mean this is working (just taking a while), I just wanted to make sure it doesnt hit a lot of brick walls with playback, lastfm scrobbling, etc.
Acronym for Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club Redwood Original. That confused the fuck out of me too. They always phrased it like they were talking about a person. Doesn't help that it was spelled SAMCROW on the manuscript either.
I'll take a couple videos so you will all get off my back about it.
its copying my whole library now and its looking like it wont be done till the morning.