fuck i need to find my gamecube dafuq. have all the controllers, memory cards, and numerous classics waiting to be played.
I'm going to bring up a dorm tournament to one of the RAs next week. See if we can make this a thing. 3-stock. No items. One character. Battlefield. Final Destination for finals. Hardcore dorm Smash off.
>$20 in bank >has no groceries >goes to movies >damn I'm hungry
Ramen noodle time!
eating some now \m/
For years I couldn't even smell them without getting sick because I ate so much of em between the ages of 17-19. Only recently have I been able to eat them again
Dead serious. They sexy to you cause that's all your fatass can pull. If I was as thirsty as you my pussy count would have been thru the roof by now. But as Xeno said, masturbation > sex wit fat/ugly bitches. Sorry some of us ain't desperate and have standards.
Aight. Erik, being completely honest with you here. I don't hate you at all. You're fine by me. But you're arrogance and close minded ignorance when it comes to women makes me sick to my stomach. Who the hell are you to judge women you don't even know and talk about how fat and disgusting they are? Remember that time Satan's girl insulted you and talked shit about you....oh wait I don't. And it is sad to me that you continually pick on women just because you get "the baddest" females. Not every man lusts after some disgusting trophy model. If a woman is kind and she makes you feel great when you're around her then that should be good enough. I'm not saying looks don't matter at all but I'm sick of your "If she ain't a super model then she fat and disgusting" attitude when it comes to women. Show some respect son. After all, the fact that you have supposedly been with so many females is what gives you the right to knock others on this forum around so much. Take that away and you have 0 to say.
I'm only taking pictures like that wit a female if it's one that I'm actually dating and wanna show off. No need to expose myself otherwise. Don't need assumptions I don't like motherfuckers knowing my business. Bitch was at the crib and snapped a surprise selfie wit me and I literally made her delete it. I don't do that shit.
Literally all my guys are the same too. Different bitch every weekend and no photos wit any of em.
I mean I could screenshot her literally telling me she loves me and to please not go
I have pictures wit females, just recently took one wit 2 of em at a party.
Juggling 4 right now.
I have...3 more females I could post proof of right now.
Literally there's this female that wants my dick BAD, but she's a 5 at best. Hits me up Saturday night "I'm headed to this party I'll scoop you.". I knew it was guaranteed pussy if I went but I said I was stayin in for the night. 4th Of July I get a 2 am call from a 4 and a 6 and a threesome was almost guaranteed, but I had no interest.
Only thing I'll give you is my standards do ultimately put me thru longer dry streaks than they otherwise would be, but it's like finding pure molly, rare, but when you do, ooh boy. Rather than feeling like a waste of time and money just to say I did it.
For instance, this girl I got all in love wit me right now, the aforementioned one I said I went off on, averages 300-600 likes on all her Facebook pictures and like 50 comments all from thirsty ass niggas. In other words, a fucking 10. I like when it feels rewarding.
Had to recap all this for proper perspective
>never takes pics with bitchez (and destroys pics taken) >has many pics with bitchez (but won't post) >k
>has a 10 on his dick >doesn't fuck, instead shuts her down >for some reason still talks to 5s (just to turn them down) >k
>juggling 4 bitchez now >still has time for mu >k
>gets bitchez weekly >goes through dry spells cuz standards >k
Tell him he's pretty.
Gotta look fresh for all the selfies he's gonna take tomorrow
id quote the rest but furer tim deleted our history so I cant copypasta
>never takes pics with bitchez (and destroys pics taken)
>has many pics with bitchez (but won't post)
>has a 10 on his dick
>doesn't fuck, instead shuts her down
>for some reason still talks to 5s (just to turn them down)
>juggling 4 bitchez now
>still has time for mu
>gets bitchez weekly
>goes through dry spells cuz standards
Sounds pretty full of shit IMO
New business model to make that Jay money.... 50/50 split for my intellectual property...
Sell flags 3 for $5.
We gonna be rich fool.