Yea and that exact same OF tattoo is why my tat advice should be taken cause I experienced it firsthand. Ain't shit worse than realizing yo tat is trash and you want nothing more than to have the motherfucker gone.
Depression sucks. Even things I enjoy dont seem that fulfilling when Im in a rut. It comes and goes in cycles for me. Usually influenced by life. But it goes beyond typically happys and sads in life. Its more extreme, lingers longer, and is more consuming. I used to take some herbal pills for mood regulation, but I stopped taking them because I dont think they really work. My current cycle has been the longest Ive been in since early high school.
Ive never been completely serious about suicide though. I thank my brother for that. Thats the part of depression I dont understand. I guess Ive never had it to that extreme. Although sometimes I wish I could die and see what people say and truly think about me.
How do the ruts start though? I guess I don't understand how that mindset even really works. I'm far from perfect (dont tell George) but anytime I've ever sat back to look at things and thought "well this sucks" I dont really linger there mentally but shift gears and start taking action towards getting whatever result I want. If im not happy with shit then its time to do something about it.
The difference between talent and skill is you are born with talent and skills you build up over time, like leveling up in a video game. Positive thinking is just as much of a skill as sitting around feeling sorry for yourself.... your gonna get good at either one you practice. The things I have talent in dont really bring much satisfaction to me... Its just shit that I am good at, and while these hypothetical things may impress other people, its not a big deal to me because im naturally good at it.
Its the things I'm terrible at that give me the most pleasure really. Its these skills that I dont have that are the most rewarding to me when you start to develop them. Im sure a lot of talented guitar players would ABSOLUTELY cringe to hear me bust out some Sabbath... but they will never know how hard I worked to suck that bad. If your not passionate about the things you used to be, go out and be terrible at something new and stick with it for a while, you just might love it.
Depression sucks. Even things I enjoy dont seem that fulfilling when Im in a rut. It comes and goes in cycles for me. Usually influenced by life. But it goes beyond typically happys and sads in life. Its more extreme, lingers longer, and is more consuming. I used to take some herbal pills for mood regulation, but I stopped taking them because I dont think they really work. My current cycle has been the longest Ive been in since early high school.
Ive never been completely serious about suicide though. I thank my brother for that. Thats the part of depression I dont understand. I guess Ive never had it to that extreme. Although sometimes I wish I could die and see what people say and truly think about me.
How do the ruts start though? I guess I don't understand how that mindset even really works. I'm far from perfect (dont tell George) but anytime I've ever sat back to look at things and thought "well this sucks" I dont really linger there mentally but shift gears and start taking action towards getting whatever result I want. If im not happy with shit then its time to do something about it.
The difference between talent and skill is you are born with talent and skills you build up over time, like leveling up in a video game. Positive thinking is just as much of a skill as sitting around feeling sorry for yourself.... your gonna get good at either one you practice. The things I have talent in dont really bring much satisfaction to me... Its just shit that I am good at, and while these hypothetical things may impress other people, its not a big deal to me because im naturally good at it.
Its the things I'm terrible at that give me the most pleasure really. Its these skills that I dont have that are the most rewarding to me when you start to develop them. Im sure a lot of talented guitar players would ABSOLUTELY cringe to hear me bust out some Sabbath... but they will never know how hard I worked to suck that bad. If your not passionate about the things you used to be, go out and be terrible at something new and stick with it for a while, you just might love it.
Sometimes nothing starts it. Part of it is family history or whatever. My mom and her side struggles with it. Call it chemical or "mental illness" or whatever. So I just have natural peaks and valleys with long term emotion. These dips usually don't last as long, but they still happen for no reason.
Sometimes its influenced by situation as well though.
Right now its a mixture. I was at a natural low point, and situation just keeps making it lower.
Last thing you want to read about going to work is Robin Williams passing. Fuck man. I feel like a white girl; I "literally can't even" right now. Seriously. I'm shocked.
I don't understand depression.
I can understand you'd be depressed about no job/no money/no family/no friends/no home/no opportunities etc but surely Robin Williams had all of these things in abundance
It's so sad; I really feel sad that he felt that bad that he had to end his life, and I feel sad for his wife and daughter who are left without him
Coming from someone who has been depressed before, sometimes it is just a hollow empty feeling. You feel trapped. Like even if shit is okay around you at the moment, you feel like it will never be. It is a weird, horrible, disgusting feeling. I feel bad for his family too man. Sometimes its not about what you have. Sometimes it all just seems...lost.
Really fighting the urge to stir up shit on fb. This dumb slut I went to school with is posting about how people are stupid to care about Robin Williams while Christians are being persecuted every day The worst part is that she's mostly insulated herself with her current church buddies and not people who remember her sucking nigger dick for me. Wanna post something sooooo bad
A lady "fell" off a building in town today. Four floors. I imagine she jumped. Landed right outside NZI insurance that we do a lot of work with. She died. My mates wife works at NZI and the lady landed right outside the window where she sits. I doubt it would have been pleasant to see
IMO tats are better when there not perfect.. IMO that's the whole fucking point.. Tats are xometsly different from what they used to be. Since girls started getting them they fucked it all up , now it's " body art" .. It's supposed to be an act of rebellion something that separates you from the dregs of boring ass society.. It's supposed to be gritty and imperfect .. It's soused to not look pretty and professional.. These doods with perfectly designed vibrant colorful sleeves are just walking fad faggots trying to get laid period.. That ain't art itsvabducking tramp stamp that goes all down the arm.. Nobody is gonna agree with me so 0 about further arguing the point.. Xenos tat is pretty bad ass IMO
even tho i think it's dumb lookin Erik's hand tat is at least in the spirit of what a tat is supposed to represent.. A fuck you imma leave my life how I want to cuz it ain't yours and I live in the land of the free
It's funny. The attitude that depression is for weak people used to get me so heated that I've fucked some people up for it before. It doesn't bother me now. It's just ignorance. It's hard to explain it to people that don't have it. Nothing has to trigger it, it just happens. The worst thing for me was how doctors always arbitrarily threw a bunch of chemicals at me to "see what works" and some of them would make it worse. Then when something was working, they would still change because it wasn't perfect. It's frustrating and it's hell on your mindset. I had a breakdown in '07 after I beat up a cop and walked out into traffic. Had to spend some time in a mental health facility over it where they fried my brain. When I left that shit, I decided I was done with chemicals. For the last 6 years, I've been dealing with it mostly with meditation and marijuana. I cut drinking out altogether and I seldom take pills of any kind for any sort of pain or nausea. It still comes in waves, but for the most part I know what's going on and work around it. The best thing I can do for myself is stay busy. The busier I am, the less time I have to wallow in sorrow.
I used to be all "Suicide is selfish, I care less about you if you kill yourself" and I couldn't imagine doing it.
Then I got lost in a the rabbit hole, still haven't made my way out. I still remember sitting at home and going "I fucking get it. I see why people kill themselves. I'm not going to, but I fucking get it."
I get it, but I still think its a little selfish. No matter how bad life is, chances are you still have friends and family that care about you. If you kill yourself you're leaving people who love and care about you to deal with the sorrow and guilt of your passing.
Yea and that exact same OF tattoo is why my tat advice should be taken cause I experienced it firsthand. Ain't shit worse than realizing yo tat is trash and you want nothing more than to have the motherfucker gone.
How do the ruts start though? I guess I don't understand how that mindset even really works. I'm far from perfect (dont tell George) but anytime I've ever sat back to look at things and thought "well this sucks" I dont really linger there mentally but shift gears and start taking action towards getting whatever result I want. If im not happy with shit then its time to do something about it.
The difference between talent and skill is you are born with talent and skills you build up over time, like leveling up in a video game. Positive thinking is just as much of a skill as sitting around feeling sorry for yourself.... your gonna get good at either one you practice. The things I have talent in dont really bring much satisfaction to me... Its just shit that I am good at, and while these hypothetical things may impress other people, its not a big deal to me because im naturally good at it.
Its the things I'm terrible at that give me the most pleasure really. Its these skills that I dont have that are the most rewarding to me when you start to develop them. Im sure a lot of talented guitar players would ABSOLUTELY cringe to hear me bust out some Sabbath... but they will never know how hard I worked to suck that bad. If your not passionate about the things you used to be, go out and be terrible at something new and stick with it for a while, you just might love it.
Finna see this next week
Sometimes nothing starts it. Part of it is family history or whatever. My mom and her side struggles with it. Call it chemical or "mental illness" or whatever. So I just have natural peaks and valleys with long term emotion. These dips usually don't last as long, but they still happen for no reason.
Sometimes its influenced by situation as well though.
Right now its a mixture. I was at a natural low point, and situation just keeps making it lower.
Gene Simmons is getting grief over comments he made about depression
This is what the metal bands at my school put out
Coming from someone who has been depressed before, sometimes it is just a hollow empty feeling. You feel trapped. Like even if shit is okay around you at the moment, you feel like it will never be. It is a weird, horrible, disgusting feeling. I feel bad for his family too man. Sometimes its not about what you have. Sometimes it all just seems...lost.
fucking gone
Fuck give me a link I'll post for your pussy ass
Sink so low that you kill yourself.
IMO tats are better when there not perfect.. IMO that's the whole fucking point.. Tats are xometsly different from what they used to be. Since girls started getting them they fucked it all up , now it's " body art" .. It's supposed to be an act of rebellion something that separates you from the dregs of boring ass society.. It's supposed to be gritty and imperfect .. It's soused to not look pretty and professional.. These doods with perfectly designed vibrant colorful sleeves are just walking fad faggots trying to get laid period.. That ain't art itsvabducking tramp stamp that goes all down the arm.. Nobody is gonna agree with me so 0 about further arguing the point.. Xenos tat is pretty bad ass IMO
funny how ape who was soooo adamant about how suicide is sooo selfish has been quiet as a mouse lately since robin Williams :-?
even tho i think it's dumb lookin Erik's hand tat is at least in the spirit of what a tat is supposed to represent.. A fuck you imma leave my life how I want to cuz it ain't yours and I live in the land of the free
It's funny. The attitude that depression is for weak people used to get me so heated that I've fucked some people up for it before. It doesn't bother me now. It's just ignorance. It's hard to explain it to people that don't have it. Nothing has to trigger it, it just happens. The worst thing for me was how doctors always arbitrarily threw a bunch of chemicals at me to "see what works" and some of them would make it worse. Then when something was working, they would still change because it wasn't perfect. It's frustrating and it's hell on your mindset. I had a breakdown in '07 after I beat up a cop and walked out into traffic. Had to spend some time in a mental health facility over it where they fried my brain. When I left that shit, I decided I was done with chemicals. For the last 6 years, I've been dealing with it mostly with meditation and marijuana. I cut drinking out altogether and I seldom take pills of any kind for any sort of pain or nausea. It still comes in waves, but for the most part I know what's going on and work around it. The best thing I can do for myself is stay busy. The busier I am, the less time I have to wallow in sorrow.
I get it, but I still think its a little selfish. No matter how bad life is, chances are you still have friends and family that care about you. If you kill yourself you're leaving people who love and care about you to deal with the sorrow and guilt of your passing.