Yeah. People used to be a lot more fanatical about them. They've kinda lost steam over the last 6-7 years. They're last album was really boring so that had a lot to do with it. Tbh though, they're one of the most important groups to me and one of my favorites. I always got a kick out of how much butt rockers can't stand them. There's even a Kid Rock video where he's wiping his ass with toilet paper that has Radiohead bears printed on it lol
Seriously considering going to Qatar now after discussing the perks and such with our Forman, the only thing is that we might leaving around the end of September, if i do end up going.
We'd be there for two years, but we earn a 9 day vacation and round trip flight to pretty much anywhere, this guy Brian told me when they went last time that he ended up going to Scotland, Italy, New Zeland and such.
The only thing that's kinda making me think against it is the fact that I'd be gone for the majority of two years in a place I know almost nothing about, with people I've only known for two months. I know that it's a great opportunity, I'd make good $$, get to see different parts of the world....I know I'll probably never get a similar opportunity if i turn it down.
Facefuck you need to watch that 'Buried' movie with Ryan Reynolds
I just meant that I'd get to see more of the world, and maybe buko bucks while doing it. I haven't 100% decided on it, but I'm definitely considering it.
Praying to Allah that the Paul McCartney show wont sellout by Saturday so I can get me some tickets. It's in a 1300 seat venue as well.
I wouldn't count on it
I'm looking up those Radiohead albums @Satan told me to check out. The comments on Youtube
Make hardcore Dream Theater, Floyd, and Tool fans seem normal.
radiohead has a shitty fan base but they're pretty dope
Yeah. People used to be a lot more fanatical about them. They've kinda lost steam over the last 6-7 years. They're last album was really boring so that had a lot to do with it. Tbh though, they're one of the most important groups to me and one of my favorites. I always got a kick out of how much butt rockers can't stand them. There's even a Kid Rock video where he's wiping his ass with toilet paper that has Radiohead bears printed on it lol
Drake is killing me with the "side pieces" song at the ESPY's
Not sucking dick will make her a sidebitch
Not sucking dick gets her kicked outta the car
fuck flying with Malaysia Airlines
Two full planes down in the same year
Seriously considering going to Qatar now after discussing the perks and such with our Forman, the only thing is that we might leaving around the end of September, if i do end up going.
We'd be there for two years, but we earn a 9 day vacation and round trip flight to pretty much anywhere, this guy Brian told me when they went last time that he ended up going to Scotland, Italy, New Zeland and such.
The only thing that's kinda making me think against it is the fact that I'd be gone for the majority of two years in a place I know almost nothing about, with people I've only known for two months. I know that it's a great opportunity, I'd make good $$, get to see different parts of the world....I know I'll probably never get a similar opportunity if i turn it down.
I had a buddy that went there to do carpet...he said it was alright...but he was doing the carpet for the military
was it a magic carpet :-?
Def gonna get stoned to death
I just keep picturing facefuck on a camel in Qatar with like a revocation t shirt on lmao friendzoning some eyeslot chick
Facefuck you need to watch that 'Buried' movie with Ryan Reynolds
NolaFree810 said:
I just meant that I'd get to see more of the world, and maybe buko bucks while doing it. I haven't 100% decided on it, but I'm definitely considering it.
FF you're not joining the Foreign Legion
You can always leave Qatar if it doesn't work out/you don't like it/you feel homesick
You don't HAVE to stay 2 years
Go to Qatar and see what it's like...set yourself a goal of staying for say 6 months to start with and see how go